62nd Year of Education & Service
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Faculty
Name : |
Dr Meenakshi Mittal |
Designation : |
Oilseed Breeder |
Office Phone : |
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Mobile : |
9646516112 |
Email (Office) : |
meenakshimittal@pau.edu |
Research Areas : |
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Researcher ID's : |
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College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Home
With the understanding of the mechanism of inheritance planned programmes for varietal development in various crops were initiated at the beginning of the twentieth century. Wheat being the most important crop, its breeding in India started in full earnest during 1906 with the efforts of Albert Howard and Gabrielle which were further followed at Lyallpur by D. Milne. During the year 1925 Chaudhary Ramdhan Singh was appointed as Cerealist to concentrate upon the breeding work on cereals. Thereafter, cereal research on sub-stations was strengthened namely, at Gurgaon in 1940, Gurdaspur in 1941 Rawalpindi in 1941, Kulu in 1945 and Jullundur in 1947.
These new centres increased the emphasis of wheat breeding. The work on the improvement of rice, barley, maize and pulses was assigned to the cerealist later, so that, in addition to wheat emphasis could be given on the development of other crops as well. Before the partition of Punjab, the work on rice was carried on at the Research Sub-station, Kal Shah Kaku which is now in Pakistan. Work on rice breeding was also started at Nagrota, Rice Breeding Sub Station which is now in Kangra (Himachal Pradesh) during 1936 to serve the hill zones with rice improvement.
During 1927 Mr. B.S. Sawhney was appointed the Millet Botanist at Lyallpur, where the work on Bajra, gram and tobacco was started. This station was later shifted to Sirsa during 1934, which was the main Bajra growing region at that time. The work was shifted to Ferozepur during 1940 and at the same time also started in Cambellpur (Pakistan). Breeding of cotton was initiated during 1912 at Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute Lyallpur by Dobbs. During 1924, Mr Trot was appointed Economic Botanist (Cotton) from whom Mr Mohammad Afzal took over during 1936. The testing of varieties of Sugarcane was started during 1911 at Gurdaspur and later on, during 1934, work on sugarcane was started at research station Risalewala near Lyallpur (Pakistan) and Jullundur to conduct need-based research on sugarcane. Sardar Harbans Singh was the first sugarcane specialist to sugarcane breeding research work.
During 1927 Mr. B.S. Sawhney was appointed the Millet Botanist at Lyallpur, where the work on Bajra, gram and tobacco was started. This station was later shifted to Sirsa during 1934, which was the main Bajra growing region at that time. The work was shifted to Ferozepur during 1940 and at the same time also started in Cambellpur (Pakistan). Breeding of cotton was initiated during 1912 at Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute Lyallpur by Dobbs. During 1924, Mr Trot was appointed Economic Botanist (Cotton) from whom Mr Mohammad Afzal took over during 1936. The testing of varieties of Sugarcane was started during 1911 at Gurdaspur and later on, during 1934, work on sugarcane was started at research station Risalewala near Lyallpur (Pakistan) and Jullundur to conduct need-based research on sugarcane. Sardar Harbans Singh was the first sugarcane specialist to sugarcane breeding research work.
At Lyallpur, the research work on brassicas, linseed and sesamum was initiated with the establishment of the Oilseeds Section under the able guidance of Khan Sahib Chaudhri Ali Mohammad as an Oilseed Botanist. Research on groundnut was started at Ludhiana after the opening of a sub-station during 1933. Considering the importance and need of research on oilseeds three more sub-stations were started at Gurgaon (1937) Rawalpindi (1943) and Kangra (1945) for research on oilseeds on a regional basis.
Chaudhary Ramdhan Singh was appointed Fodder Botanist during 1925 at Lyallpur before he formally joined at Cerealist. After him Sh. Hans Raj Saini continued the work on forages improvement till 1947. During this period the research was shifted to Sirsa during 1934.
After partition, the research stations which were opened in Lyallpur were no more catering to the needs of the Indians living in the other part of the sub-continent. Therefore, the work was consolidated and shifted to Jalandhar to start crop improvement work on cereals, cotton and oilseeds under the charge of Dr S.M.Sikka, the first Economic Botanist. He was succeeded by Dr. L.S. Negi who remained in charge of this section till 1956. During 1956 with the merger of PEPSU with Punjab, two sections were created; namely Cereals Section under Dr L.S. Negi and Oilseed and Cotton Section under Dr Gursham Singh.
The research on sugarcane, millets and fodder continued at Jalandhar, Ferozepur and Sirsa, respectively. During this period (1949 to 1962) several sugarcane research sub-stations were opened at Gurdaspur, Jagadhari, Kheri, Ludhiana and Hisar. Dr. Sukhdev Singh succeeded, Dr. Hardial Singh in Sugarcane Breeding. Many other developments took place after the partition, such as during 1951 substations were established at Rohtak for Bajra, Gurdaspur for gram and at Gurgaon (1954) for tobacco. A Fodder research sub-station was started at Palampur in 1951 to work on hill grasses and a forages sub-station to concentrate on forage improvement work in the central district of the state.
With the opening of Punjab Agricultural University during 1962 at Ludhiana, Hisar and Palampur, different crop sections were formed in the Department of Plant Breeding. Dr. D.S. Athwal was the first Professor and Head of the Department in the College of Agriculture at Ludhiana who played a pivotal role in consolidating and organizing the research work on crop improvement in the department.
During December 1970 a separate department of Genetics was established at PAU Ludhiana, with Dr. B.S. Gill as Professor and Head. Later on, a tissue culture unit was started in the Department of Plant Breeding. Keeping in view the emergence of new areas of Plant Biotechnology, a Biotechnology Centre was established in 1992. The infrastructure for carrying out research on genetic transformation and tissue culture was created. The Department of Genetics and Biotechnology was merged with Plant Breeding during 2003 and re-designated as the Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology. During April 2008, Biotechnology was demerged and now the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics has seven sections on different crops namely wheat, rice, maize, pulses, oilseeds, forages and cotton.
The teaching section coordinates the teaching of both UG and PG courses in the department. The resident instruction programme in Plant Breeding and Genetics comprises undergraduate instruction for the students of the College of Agriculture, School of Agricultural Biotechnology, College of Basic Sciences, and postgraduate instruction leading to M. Sc. and Ph. D degrees in Plant Breeding. The postgraduate students are trained in various aspects related to the breeding of different field crops.
The Department is also one of the two centres for CAFT in the country.
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Head of Department
Name : Dr. Virinder Singh Sohu
Address : Head, Dept. of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Office : 0161-2401960 Extn.224 (Office), Ext-322
E-Mail : hodpbg@pau.edu
Brief Introduction
Dr. Virinder Singh Sohu, earned his professional degrees from PAU with distinctions having been awarded S. Iqbal Singh Gold Medal for highest OGPA in M.Sc. and ICAR Senior Research Fellowship during Ph.D. with OGPA 4.00/4.00. During his research career in wheat breeding spanning more than 30 years in the Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics at PAU, he made significant contributions as team member towards release of 37 wheat varieties - 28 PAU wheat varieties (22 developed + 6 evaluated), of which 20 were released at national level, and 9 from other institutes. Notable ones are PBW 343, PBW 373, PBW 502, PBW 550, PBW 725, Unnat PBW 343 and PBW 1 Zn. Averaged over the last 25 years, the wheat varieties developed by him occupied more than 60 per cent of wheat area in Punjab annually. These varieties were also very popular at national level as evident from their continued inclusion in list of top 10 varieties in national breeder seed production program out of more than 300 varieties in seed chain. He has 226 publications to his credit, including 60 full research papers (32 with >6 and 14 with ≥10 NAAS rating).
He is recipient of the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative’s 2018 Gene Stewardship Award (as team member) for best wheat research program in the world on rust resistance. He was awarded ICAR Chaudhary Devi Lal Outstanding AICRP Award 2011 for Best AICW&BIP Centre. He was awarded Dr. MV Rao Memorial Award for Distinguished Scientist 2022. He also received Gold Medal for development of wheat variety PBW 343 by PAU at Annual Convocation. Recognizing his contributions, the PAU honoured him with ‘Appreciation Certificate for outstanding research work done in wheat breeding’ during Kisan Mela in 2017. He was elected Fellow of the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi and is a life member of several professional societies. He served as Editor-in-Chief, of the ‘Crop Improvement’ research journal and member editorial board of ‘Progressive Farming’ and ‘Changi Kheti’. He is Associate Editor, ‘Agricultural Research Journal’, of PAU.
He has been serving as Zonal Coordinator (North Western Plains Zone of India) of the All India Coordinated Wheat & Barley Improvement Project (ICAR) since 2009. He was a Member, Standing Committee of the PPVFRA (Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority), New Delhi and Member of Institute Management Committee of the ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal. At PAU, he served as Director TMIPRC (additional charge), Technology Marketing and Intellectual Property Rights Cell and for the past six years, he is leading the wheat research team at PAU as Incharge Wheat Section. He has taught plant breeding courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students and guided 10 M.Sc. and 6 Ph.D. students.
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Thrust Areas
- Improving yield potential: Exploitation of elite (advanced high yielding lines) and diverse (winter wheat, progenitor species) germplasm using appropriate breeding methodology.
- Multiple disease resistance: Efficient incorporation of stripe rust, leaf rust, Karnal bunt, leaf blight and powdery mildew resistance in high yielding/ commercial genetic backgrounds based on sound understanding of pathogen and host
- Abiotic stress tolerance: Exploring germplasm based options for enhanced heat tolerance, lodging resistance, water and nutrient use efficiency.
- Nutritional and processing quality: Genetic enhancement for grain protein concentration, quality of chapati, bread and other end-products made from bread wheat. Enhancing grain zinc and iron content. Improving durum wheat for pasta quality.
- Precision breeding: Systematic parent building, marker assisted gene mobilization, rapid generation advance (offseason nurseries, doubled haploids), efficient - mechanized field evaluation systems, use of well developed genealogical and trait data base.
- Yield: Development of high yielding feed and malt barley varieties.
- Malt/feed quality: Genetic enhancement of quality, particularly malt related quality in two-rowed varieties.
- Disease resistance: Resistance to yellow rust, stripe disease and leaf blight.
- Development of lodging tolerant, disease and insect resistant hybrids with suitable grain quality and growth duration for Punjab conditions.
- Development of less water requiring (aerobic) rice genotypes.
- Development of semi-dwarf high yielding bacterial blight resistant basmati rice varieties possessing extra-long slender grains with strong aroma and excellent cooking/eating quality characteristics for export.
- Development of high yielding lodging tolerant non-basmati varieties with multiple disease and insect pest resistance, abiotic stress tolerance (submergence, salinity) and possessing acceptable grain quality and suitable crop duration
- Generation of appropriate production technologies through applied research for increasing and sustaining productivity and income from rice and rice-based cropping systems with special emphasis on labour and water saving.
- Study on the occurrence and epidemiology of major rice diseases.
- Accelerating breeding: Doubled haploid lines, MAS, Off-season nurseries
- Strengthening work on specialty maize
- Emphasis on long duration hybrids for yield enhancement
- Development of cultivars responsive to high density
- Tolerance to excess moisture conditions during monsoon season
- Water use efficiency in spring maize (Breeding, Resource conservation)
- Development of fodder maize varieties
- Improving performance of parental lines per se (Breeding, production and protection)
- Development of high yielding varieties of different pulses for various cropping systems
- Incorporation of resistance/tolerance to various biotic/abiotic stresses through marker
- assisted selection
- Development of early maturing short-statured varieties of pigeonpea
- Introgression of alien genes for desirable traits from related species
- Development of food-grade soybean
- Improvement in the nutritional quality of various pulse crops
- Development of improved production and protection technology, resource conservation
- technology, weed management and cropping system-based research
- Regulation of source-sink relationship in response to growth regulators
- Development of competent microbial consortia for major pulse crops
- Identification of potential donors for major diseases and insect pests and development of
- integrated disease/pest management technology
- Establishing economic thresholds of major insect-pests
- Acquisition of germplasm with superior fibre quality, high lint percentage and locule shattering tolerance, it’s evaluation and use in the breeding programme.
- Development of higher yielding American cotton cutivars with high fibre strength.
- Development of desi cotton lines with locule retention, medium long staple length.
- Development of cotton varieties suitable for machine picking.
- Conversion of good combining parents into stable CMS lines and restorers.
- Development of transgenic cotton against bollworm complex.
- Molecular tagging of genes of economic importance such as fibre strength etc.
- Seed priming and pelleting for improving seed vigour.
- Development of economically viable and eco friendly pest management technologies.
- Monitoring and management of insect resistance to insect resistant cotton transgenics and pesticides.
- Development and validation of weather based forewarning pest and disease forecasting module.
- Genetic improvement of sugarcane through conventional breeding and with the outputs of biotechnology based studies of sugar accumulation.
- Breeding efforts to be targeted towards developing genotypes having high sugar content per unit area and time with resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and good ratooning ability.
- Best Management Practices (BMPs) encompassing sugarcane production and protection measures that can enhance sustainable sugarcane productivity.
Forage and Millets and NutritionSection:
- Germplasm enhancement in the forage crops & grain bajra. To breed varieties of forage crops having low antiquality components and inbuilt resistance to biotic & abiotic stresses.
- To breed quick growing water use efficient varieties of forage sorghum & bajra having high regenerability for multicuts to increase the total forage production.
- Development of erect type varieties of cowpea to increase the area under cowpea as fodder crop.
- Development of high seed & fodder yielding and dual purpose bristled hybrid having inbuilt resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in bajra.
- To find out fertilizer requirements of fodder crops in cropping systems.
Integrated nutrient management. - To minimize the antinutritional components through agronomic manipulations.
- Weed management in berseem fodder crop.
- Management of Helicoverpa armigera in the seed crop of berseem & shaftal, grass hopper in maize, sorghum & Napier bajra, stem borer in fodder maize and shoot fly in forage sorghum.
- Management of stem rot in berseem, leaf spots in sorghum & oats, maydis leaf spot in maize and downy mildew and ergot in grain bajra.
- CMS based F1 hybrids in sunflower and brassicas.
- Designer cultivars for value addition e.g. canola quality in brassica.
- Dual purpose (oil and fodder) canola cultivars/hybrids of brassica. Marker assisted selection for key quality and defensive traits in brassica.
- Input use efficient (nitrogen / water use efficacy) genotypes in brassica and sunflower.
- Confectionery quality cultivars of groundnut, sesame and hybrids of sunflower.
- Disease resistance and study of pathogen variation for key diseases.
- Disease forecasting models for alternaria, sclerotinia and aphids.
- Cost effective, resource conserving and environmentally safe production and protection technologies.
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Faculty
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Faculty Distinctions
Eminent Breeders Recipient of Prestigious International & National Awards & Coveted Positions
Recipients of Prestigious International Awards |
S.No. | Name | Award | Period |
1 | Dr. Gurdev Singh Khush | Japan Prize | 1987 |
International Service in Agronomy Award (American Soc. Agronomy) | 1989 | ||
World Food Prize | 1996 | ||
Rank Prize (United Kingdom) | 1998 | ||
Wolf Prize (Israel) | 2000 | ||
Golden Sickle Award (Thailand) | 2007 | ||
Mahathir Science Award (Malaysia) | 2009 | ||
Recipients of Prestigious Awards |
S.No. | Name | Award | Period |
1 | Dr. Dilbagh Singh Athwal | Padma Bhushan | 1975 |
2 | Dr. Khem Singh Gill | 1992 | |
3 | Dr. Ram Badan Singh | 2003 | |
4 | Dr. Gurdev Singh Khush | Padma Shri | 2000 |
5 | Dr. Sant Singh Virmani | 2008 | |
6 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | 2019 | |
Recipients of National and State Awards |
S.No. | Name | Award | Period |
1 | Dr. Khem Singh Gill | Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award | 1972-73 |
2 | Dr. Amarjit Singh Khehra, | 1986-87 | |
3 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | 1986-87 | |
4 | Dr. Vijay Kumar Saxena | 1986-87 | |
5 | Dr. G.S. Nanda | 1999-2000 | |
6 | Dr. Gurdev Singh Khush | Dr. K. Ramaiah Award (NAAS) | 1997 |
7 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | Joginder Singh Memorial Award | 1997-98 |
8 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | NAAS Recognition Award (Plant Improvement) | 2003 |
9 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | Om Parkash Bhasin Award | 2006 |
10 | Dr. G.S.Nanda | Punjab Sarkar Parman Pattar | 2001 |
11 | Dr. Sadhu Singh Malhi | 2003 | |
12 | Dr. R.K.Gumber | 2012 | |
13 | Dr. Jagir Singh Sidhu | Jawahar Lal Nehru Award (ICAR) | 1982 |
14 | Dr. S.K.Sandhu | 1995 | |
15 | Dr. Gurjit Singh Mangat | 2001 | |
16 | Dr Mehak Gupta | 2017 | |
Vice -Chancellors |
S.No. | Name | University | Period |
1 | Dr. Sukhdev Singh | Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana |
1979-1981 1981-1989 |
2 | Dr. Khem Singh Gill | Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana | 1990-1993 |
3 | Dr. Amarjit Singh Khehra | Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana | 1994-1997 |
4 | Dr. Ved Paul Gupta | Rajendra Agricultural University, Samastipur | 1999-2002 |
5 | Dr. Jai Rup Singh | Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar Central University of Punjab, Bathinda |
2006-2009 2009-2014 |
6 | Dr. Manjit Singh Kang | Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana | 2007-2011 |
7 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana | 2011 to date |
8 | Dr. Nachattar Singh Malhi | Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo | 2013-2017 |
9 | Dr. Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal | Eternal University, Baru Sahib | 2013 to date |
10 | Dr Jeet Singh Sandhu | Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad (UP) | 2017 to date |
Coveted Positions at International & National Organizations |
S.No. | Name | University | Period |
1 | Dr. Dilbagh Singh Atwal | Deputy Director General, IRRI, Philipines Director Technical Cooperation, Winrock International Institute of Agricultural Development, Morrilton, USA |
1972-1977 1981-1985 |
2 | Dr. Sukhdev Singh | Deputy Director General (Crop Sciences), ICAR | 1974 |
3 | Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu | Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR | 2015-2016 |
4 | Dr Ashwani Kumar | Director General, ICFRE | 2014 to date |
5 | Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu | Agriculture Commissioner, GOI | 2013-2015 |
6 | Dr. Akshay Kumar Gupta | Director, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur | 1992-1997 |
7 | Dr. Ram Badan Singh | Director, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi | 1995-1999 |
8 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi | 2000-2005 |
9 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | ADG (Crop Sciences), ICAR | 1998-2000 |
10 | Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu | ADG (Seed), ICAR | 2010-2013 |
11 | Dr. Pawan Kumar Agarwal | ADG (NFBSFARA), ICAR | 2014 to date |
ICAR National Professors |
S.No. | Name | University | Period |
1 | Dr. Surinder Singh Banga | Plant Breeding & Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana | 2010 to date |
Fellows, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
S.No. | Name | Discipline | Period |
1 | Dr. Gurdev Singh Khush | Crop Sciences | 1991 |
2 | Dr. Khem Singh Gill | 1991 | |
3 | Dr. Amarjit Singh Khehra | 1992 | |
4 | Dr. Dilbagh Singh Athwal | 1992 | |
5 | Dr. Ved Pal Gupta | 1992 | |
6 | Dr. Daljit Singh Virk | 1993 | |
7 | Dr. Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal | 1993 | |
8 | Dr. Sant Singh Virmani | 1995 | |
9 | Dr. Govinder Singh Nanda | 1997 | |
10 | Dr. Baldev Singh Dhillon | 1999 | |
11 | Dr. Surinder Singh Banga | 2005 | |
11 | Dr. Darshan Singh Brar | 2006 | |
12 | Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu | 2013 |
Fellowships Monsanto Beachell Borlaug International Fellowship
- Mrs Amandeep Sandhu (2009)
- Mr Dharminder Bhatia (2010)
- Mrs Amandeep Kaur (2012)
Australian Endeavour Fellowship
- Dr Chhaya Atri (2008)
- Dr P S Sandhu (2009)
- Dr Surinder Sandhu (2010)
- Dr Virender Sardana (2010)
- Dr Ranvir Singh Gill (2011)
- Dr. Sarwan Kumar (2018)
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Important Achievements
Wheat Varieties
PBW 826 | ||
Year of Release | 2022 | |
Agronomic condition | Timely sown irrigated conditions North Western Plains Zone comprising states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), Jammu and Kathua district of Jammu & Kashmir, Paonta Valley and Una district of Himachal Pradesh and Tarai region of Uttarakhand under timely sown irrigated conditions & North Eastern Plains Zone comprising states of Eastern UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Assam and plains of NE States | |
Salient Features |
PBW 869 | ||
Year of Release | 2021 | |
Pedigree | QUAIU #1//2*WHEAR/KRONSTAD F2004 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab (for sowing with Happy Seeder / super seeder under in situ rice residue retained conditions) | |
Salient Features |
PBW 824 | ||
Year of Release | 2021 | |
Agronomic condition | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab | |
Salient Features |
PBW 803 | ||
Year of Release | 2021 | |
Parentage | BWL0762/PBW621//HD3086 | |
Agronomic condition | Timely sown irrigated conditions South Western Region of Punjab State | |
Salient Features |
Sunehri (PBW 766) | ||
Year of Release | 2020 | |
Pedigree | NAC/TH.AC//3*PVN/3/MIRLO/BUC/4/2*PASTOR/5/ KACHU/6/KACHU | |
Agro climatic conditions | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab | |
Salient Features |
PBW 1 Chapati | ||
Year of Release | 2020 | |
Pedigree | WL711- Ae. ovata/CS(S)//WL711 NN/3/3*PBW 175 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab | |
Salient Features |
PBW 771 | ||
Year of Release | 2020 | |
Pedigree | BW9246/2*DBW17 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Late sown irrigated conditions in North Western Plains Zone comprising states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), Jammu and Kathua district of Jammu & Kashmir, Paonta Valley and Una district of Himachal Pradesh and Tarai region of Uttarakhand under timely sown irrigated conditions | |
Salient Features |
Unnat PBW 343 | ||
Year of Release | 2017 | |
Parentage | PBW 343/Tc+Lr37//3*PBW 343/4/WH 890-Ae.umb.3732 amph./CS(S)//WL 711NN/3/3*PBW 343 | |
Agronomic condition | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab. Also released and notified for the entire North Western Plains Zone of India comprising states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), Jammu and Kathua district of Jammu & Kashmir, Paonta Valley and Una district of Himachal Pradesh and Tarai region of Uttarakhand |
Salient Features |
Unnat PBW 550 | ||
Year of Release | 2017 | |
Pedigree | PBW 550//Yr15/6*Avocet/3/2*PBW 550 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab | |
Salient Features |
PBW 1 Zn | ||
Year of Release | 2017 | |
Pedigree | T. dicoccon CI9309/Ae. squarrosa (409)/3/ MILAN/S87230//BAV92/4/2* MILAN/S87230//BAV92 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Timely sown irrigated conditions in Punjab. Also released and notified for the entire North Western Plains Zone of India comprising states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan (excluding Kota and Udaipur division), Western Uttar Pradesh (except Jhansi division), Jammu and Kathua district of Jammu & Kashmir, Paonta Valley and Una district of Himachal Pradesh and Tarai region of Uttarakhand |
Salient Features |
Rice Varieties
PR 130 | ||
Parentage | PAU 3842-62-5-1/ HKR 47 | |
Year of release | 2022 | |
Days to maturity | 135 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 7500 | |
Salient features | Long slender grains resistant to all the pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen prevalent in Punjab state | |
PR 131 | ||
Parentage | PR121/IR 84678-25-5-B | |
Year of release | 2022 | |
Days to maturity | 140 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 7750 | |
Salient features | Long slender grains resistant to all the pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen prevalent in Punjab state | |
Punjab Basmati 7 | ||
Parentage | Bas 386/IET 17948//Bas 386*2///PB 1121 | |
Year of release | 2021 | |
Days to maturity | 131 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 4750 | |
Salient features | It is resistant to all the ten pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen presently prevalent in the State. High yield excellent cooking quality Strong aroma | |
PR 128 | ||
Parentage | PAU 201/PAU 3699-13-2-3-1//PAU 201 | |
Year of release | 2020 | |
Days to maturity | 141 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 7625 | |
Salient features | Long slender grains resistant to all the pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen prevalent in Punjab state | |
PR 129 | ||
Parentage | PAU 201/PAU 3699-13-2-3-1//PAU 201 | |
Year of release | 2020 | |
Days to maturity | 138 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 7500 | |
Salient features | Long slender grains resistant to all the pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen prevalent in Punjab state | |
PR 127 | ||
Parentage | Pusa44/O.glaberrima (102 600 b)// Pusa 44*3 | |
Year of release | 2018 | |
Days to maturity | 137 | |
Avg Paddy Yield (kg/ha) | 7500 | |
Salient features | Long slender grains resistant to all the pathotypes of bacterial blight pathogen prevalent in Punjab state | |
Punjab Basmati 5 | ||
Parentage | Basmati 386/IET 17948//Basmati 386*2///Pusa Basmati 1121 | |
Year of release | 2017 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Low land irrigated rice ecosystem. It is recommended for Basmati growing areas of the Punjab state. | |
Salient features |
Punjab Basmati 4 | ||
Parentage | Basmati 370/IET 17948//Basmati 370*2///Pusa Basmati 1121 | |
Year of release | 2017 | |
Agro climatic conditions | Low land irrigated rice ecosystem. It is recommended for Basmati growing areas of the Punjab state. | |
Salient features |
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Current Projects
R&E Schemes 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | Sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | State Funded | Establishment of Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, R&E-4 (A) (PC-1025.1) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. S. K Dhillon |
Establishment of Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, R&E-4 (B) (PC-1025.2) | Dr. Pritpal Singh | ||||
Establishment of Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, R&E-4 (C) (PC-1025.3) | |||||
2 | State Funded | Improvement of Forage Crops Deptt. of Plant Breeding and Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana R&E-43 (PC-1026.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. R.S. Sohu |
3 | State Funded | Quality Breeding in cereals and Pulses, R&E-44 (PC-1027.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | |
4 | State Funded | Facilities for off-season growing of breeding material of various crops in Lahaul Valley and Southern India, R&E-45 (PC-1028.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Puja Srivastva |
5 | State Funded | Breeding Maize for high yield and stress tolerance for cultivation in different seasons, R&E-46 (PC-1029.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
6 | State Funded | Breeding Pulse Crop for high yield, quality and stability of performance, R&E-47 (PC-1030.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Ajinder Kaur |
7 | State Funded | Genetics of resistance to insect pests and diseases and identification of genes in crop plants, R&E-49 (PC-1032.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Jaspal Kaur |
8 | State Funded | Breeding Cotton for productivity, fiber quality and stability of performance, R&E-50B (PC-1033.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Dharminder Pathak |
9 | State Funded | Breeding Cotton for productivity, fiber quality and stability of performance, R&E-50C (PC-1033.3) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | |
10 | State Funded | Breeding Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati) for high yield, quality & stability of performance, R&E-51(PC-1034.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. Ranvir Sigh Gill |
11 | State Funded | Breeding bread & durum wheat for high yield, quality and resistance to diseases in different agro-climates, R&E-52 (PC-1035.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr. V.S. Sohu |
12 | State Funded | Breeding Oilseeds for productivity, quality and stability of performance, R&E-53B (PC-1036.2) | Continuous Nature | Punjab State | Dr Varinder Sardana |
13 | Breeding Oilseeds for productivity, quality and stability of performance, R&E-53C (PC-1036.3) | ||||
AICAR Schemes 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | Sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Wheat Improvement Project, ICAR-2 (PC-2002) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr.Achla Sharma |
2 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Pearl Millet Improvement Project, ICAR-3 (PC-2003) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj |
3 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Maize Improvement Project, ICAR-4 (PC-2004) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
4 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Oilseed Research for rapeseed Mustard, ICAR-5 (PC-2005) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Varinder Sardana |
5 | AICRP | AICRP for the intensification of Research on the Improvement of Pulses-Chickpea, ICAR-7 (PC-2007) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Poonam Sharma |
6 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Mullarp, ICAR-8 (PC-2008) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Guriqbal Singh |
7 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Soybean, ICAR-9 (PC-2009) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. B.S Gill |
8 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Forage crops, ICAR-10 (PC-2010) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Rahul Kapoor |
9 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project Network on potential crops, ICAR-11 (PC-2011) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Ranjit Kaur Gill |
10 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Sunflower, ICAR-12 (PC-2012) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Pankaj Sharma |
11 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Project, ICAR-15 (PC-2015) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Rupinder Kaur |
12 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Pigeonpea, ICAR-16 (PC-2016) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Gaurav Kumar Taggar |
13 | AICRP | Seed Technology Research Under NSP ICAR-18 (PC-2018) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr.Inderpreet Dhaliwal |
14 | AICRP | All India Coordinated Research Project on Sorghum, ICAR-44 (PC-2344) | Continuous Nature | 75% ICAR 25% State | Dr. Davinder Pal Singh |
Ad-hoc ICAR Schemes 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Molecular breeding for improvement of tolerance to biotic stresses, yield and quality traits in crop-Mustard, ICAR-75 (PC-2342) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur |
2 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Molecular Breeding for improvement of tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits in crops- Chickpea, ICAR-76 (PC-2343) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Shayla Bindra |
3 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Molecular breeding for improvement of tolerance to biotic stresses, yield and quality traits in crop-Wheat, ICAR-77 (PC-2347) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Achala Sharma |
4 | Competitive | Hybrid technology for higher productivity in the selected field and horticultural crops (Pigeonpea-Component), ICAR-78 (PC-2341) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr Inderjit Singh, Sr. Breeder |
5 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Hybrid technology for high productivity in selected field and horticultural crops-Wheat, ICAR-79 (PC-2345) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Poonam Sharma |
6 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Hybrids Technology for higher productivity in selected filed and horticultural crops-Rice, ICAR-80 (PC-2346) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Rupinder Kaur |
7 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) on Hybrid technology for high productivity in selected field and horticultural crops-Mustard, ICAR-81 (PC-2350) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Chhaya Attari |
8 | Competitive | Molecular genetic analysis of resistance/tolerance to different stress in Rice, Wheat, Chickpea and Mustard including sheath blight complex genomics-Componen: Chickpea, ICAR-73 (PC-2328) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. Inderjit Singh |
9 | Competitive | Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) in ‘Biofortification in selected crops for nutritional security – Wheat’ ICAR-89 (PC-2306) | 2015-16 to 2023-24 | ICAR | Dr. V.S. Sohu |
10 | Others | Contingency grant for the conduct of experiments on nutrient management through nano-fertilizers, ICAR-92 (PC-2621) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal |
11 | Others | Contingency grant for conduct of AICRP trials of wheat Rauni Centre, ICAR-93 (PC-2596) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. V.S. Sohu |
12 | Others | Characterization and evaluation of wild species and inter-specific derivatives of chickpea-Component III (NBPGR), ICAR-114 (PC-2627) | Upto 31.03.2026 | ICAR | Dr. Shayla Bindra |
13 | Others | Evaluation of wheat germplasm under CRP on Agro-biodiversity PGR management component-II, ICAR-113 (PC-2300) | Continuous Nature | ICAR | Dr. Achala Sharma |
14 | Others | Marker assisting stacking to yellow mosaic disease and broadening the genetic base of soybean resistance null kunitz trypsin inhibitor, null lipoxygenase-2 genes, ICAR-124 (PC-2641) | 3 Years Upto 31.07.2025 | NASF | Dr. B.S Gill |
15 | Others | Consortium Research Platform on Agro Biodiversity Maize (CRPAB), ICAR-125 (PC-2632) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Harleen Kaur |
16 | Others | Conduct of trials under All India Co-ordinated Rice Improvement programme, ICAR-127 (PC-2435) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. B.S Gill |
17 | Others | All India Coordinated Research Project on Groundnut (Voluntary Centre, PAU, Ludhiana) ICAR-134 (PC-2132) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Pankaj Sharma |
18 | Others | Front Line Demonstration on Production Potential of Oilseeds Crops- Soybean, ICAR-160 (PC-2126) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Pankaj Sharma |
19 | Others | Revival of Sunflower cultivation, (Edible Oil-Oilseeds) (Krishionnati Yojna) ICAR-176 (PC-2664) | 3 Years Upto 06.10.2025 | ICAR | Dr. Vineeta Kaila |
20 | Others | Implementation of Frontline demonstration on coarse cereals under NFSM-Coarse Cereals, ICAR-175 (PC-2403) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. R.S Sohu |
21 | Others | Identification and characterization of fungal effectors and host factors in rice- false smut pathosystem, ICAR-177 (PC-2665) | 3 Year Upto 31.08.2025 | NASF | Dr. Jagjeet Lore |
22 | Others | Evaluation of Maize hybrids during Kharif Season, ICAR-180 (PC-2438) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
23 | Others | CRP on Agro-diversity Lentil Project, ICAR-182 (PC-2667) | 5 Year Upto 31.03.2027 | ICAR | Dr. Asmita Sirahi |
24 | Others | Evaluation of Brassica for Sclerotinia rot and Orobranche under CRP on Agrobiodiversity”, ICAR-184 (PC-2668) | 4 Year Upto 14.11.2026 | NBPGR | Dr.P.S Sandhu |
25 | Others | Frontline Demonstration on Maize, ICAR-185 (PC-2098) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Jawala Jindal |
26 | Others | Evaluation of entries from private sector under AICRP-RM, ICAR-192 (PC-2675) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Varinder Sardana |
27 | Others | Pre-breeding for introgression of desirable traits from wild species to cultivated pigeonpea, ICAR-195 (PC-2488) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Inderjit Singh |
28 | Others | Front Line Demonstration on Chickpea, ICAR-196 (PC-2188) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Poonam Sharma |
Others | Front Line Demonstration on MULLaRP, ICAR-202 (PC-2183) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Guriqbal Singh | |
Others | Conducting Trials on Soybean in Microbiology Pathology and Entomology, ICAR-204 (PC-2121) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. B.S Gill | |
Others | Front Line Demonstration on Pigeonpea, ICAR-203 (PC-2181) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Gaurav Kumar Taggar | |
Others | Frontline Demonstration on Oilseeds Sunflower” ICAR-205(PC-2137) | One Year | ICAR | Dr. Pankaj Sharma | |
Misc. (FC) Schemes 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | Sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | Others | Harvest Plus Zinc fertilizer project, Use of Zinc containing fertilizers for enriching cereal grains with zinc and improving yield in different countries, Misc.(FC)-1 (PC-5512) | 2009-10 to 2022-23 | Harvest Plus through Sabanci University Turkey | Dr. Hari Ram |
2 | Others | Direct Seeded Rice Consortium, Misc. (FC-2) (PC-5540) | 2019-20 to 31.12.2023 | International Rice Research Institute, Philippines | Dr Butta Sigh |
3 | Others | Genetic transformation of PAP 1 gene in American cotton accessions cokes 312 and PAU Bt1 for developing coloured, Misc(FC)-3 (PC-5539) | Five Years Upto 31.03.2024 | Nippon Steel Trading Company Ltd. Japan | Dr. Dharminder pathak |
4 | Others | Climate Smart Management Practices (C-2021-148), Misc (FC)-4 (PC-5545) | 2021-22 to 31.03.2024 | International Rice Research Institute, Philippines | Dr. Buta Singh |
5 | Others | Towards effective genetic and sustainable management of Ascochyta blight of chickpea- Misc (FC)-6 (PC-5544) | Three Years | GRDC, Australia (donor) ICARDA, New Delhi | Dr. Upasana Rani |
6 | Others | Accelerating Genetics Gains in Maize and Wheat for improved livelihoods (AGG)m Misc. (FC)-8 (PC-5543) | Three Years | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through CIMMYT, Mexico | Dr. V.S Sohu |
7 | Others | Insect pest and disease forecasting and decision support system (under project new rice varieties), Misc. (FC)-9 (PC-5536) | Upto 31.03.2023 | International Rice Research Institute IRRI, Philipines | Dr. Jagjit Singh, Lore |
8 | Others | Accelerating the mainstreaming of elevated Zinc in global wheat breeding: a fluoride in the wheat' approach to nutrition, Misc.-(FC)-10 (PC-5546) | Three Years | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through CIMMYT, Mexico | Dr. V. S. Sohu |
9 | Others | HarvestPlus Challenge Program Phase IV Agreement # 6408 research project, “Biofortified wheat for improved human nutrition, Misc. (FC)-7 (PC-5511) | 2009-10 to 2022-23 | Harvest plus through CIAT, Columbia & IFPRI, USA | Dr. V.S.Sohu |
10 | Others | AGGRI Alliance (One IRRI Breeding Network-DELS – I) Misc. (FC-11) (PC-5548) | Two Years | ICAR-IRRI | Dr. R.S Gill |
Misc. Schemes 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | Others | Evaluation of rice hybrids Misc.-44 (PC-4086) | 2012 to 31.03.2024 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. B.S Gill |
2 | Others | Evaluation of Bt maize hybrids during Kharif Season, Misc-45 (PC-4743) | 2018-19 to 31.03.24 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
3 | Others | Evaluation of Maize hybrids developed by private sector during Kharif 2018, Misc.-46 (PC-4819) | 2019-20 to 31.03.24 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
4 | Others | Evaluation of corn hybrid, Misc-47 (PC-4992) | 2020-21 to 31.03.24 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Surinder Sandhu |
5 | Others | Evaluation of GEAC recommend Bt. Cotton hynrids in North India during kharif 2021-22, Misc-102 (PC-5068) | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Dharminder Pathak | |
6 | Others | Field screening of summer mungbean against thrips AVRDC WVC ICRISAT, Misc-138 (PC-5065) | 2022-23 to 2023-24 | AVRDC WVC ICRISAT | Dr. Gaurav Kumar Taggar |
7 | Others | Evaluation of Maize hybrids for forage purpose, Misc-144 (PC-5049) | 2022-23 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. R.S Sohu |
8 | Others | Evaluation of Mungbean varieties, Misc-163 (PC-5192) | 2022-23 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. R.K Gill |
9 | Others | Multilocation testing of Sorghum and Pigeonpea, Misc-168 (PC-5134) | 2022-23 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. R.S Sohu |
10 | Others | Evaluation of hybrids under direct seeded rice, Misc-185 (PC-5205) | 2022 to 31.03.24 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Butta Singh |
11 | Others | Evaluation of Neonix 20 FS on groundnut, Misc-218 (PC-5084) | 2022-23 | Private Seeds Company | Dr. Prabjodh Singh Sandhu |
CSS 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Type of project | Name of the scheme | Duration | Sponsoring Agency | Scientists involved |
1 | DST-ICRISART Centre of Excellence on Climate Change Research for Plant Protection (CoE-CCRPP): Pest and disease management for climate change adaption, CSS-20 (PC-6268) | 2018-19 to 31.03.2023 | DST-ICRISART Hyderabad | Dr. Asmita Sirari | |
2 | Genetic Enhancement of Minor Pulses: Characterization, Evaluation, Genetic Enhancement and Generation of Genomic Resources for Accelerated Utilization and Improvement of Minor Pulses: CSS-21 (PC-6287) | 24.10.2018 to1 23.04.2023 | DBT | Dr. Ranjit Kaur Gill | |
3 | Tracing B Genome introgressions in brassica napus through M-FISH and genotyping by sequencing” under SERB Women Excellence Award, CSS-22 (PC-6299) | 20.05.2019 to 19.05.2022 | SERB | Dr Mehak Gupta | |
4 | Germplasm Characterization and Trait Discovery in Wheat using Genomics Approaches and its Integration for Improving Climate Resilience, Productivity and Nutritional Quality, CSS-23 (PC-6325) | 29.02.2020 to 28.02.25 | NBPGR | Dr. V.S Sohu | |
5 | Mainstreaming sesame germplasm for productivity enhancement and sustainability through genomics-assisted core development and trait discovery, CSS-24 (PC-6328) | 29.02.2020 to 28.02.2025 | DBT | Dr. Pankaj Sharma | |
6 | Mainstreaming rice landraces diversity in varietal development through genomic predictions: A model for large-scale utilization of gene bank collections of rice, CSS-25 (PC-6329) | 05.03.2020 to 04.03.2025 | DBT | Dr. G.S. Mangat | |
7 | Introgression Breeding for Transfer of Aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) Resistance from Aegilops tauschii, the D Genome Donor of Wheat, CSS-26 (PC-6323) | 31.01.2020 to 02.07.2023 | DBT | Dr. Beant Singh | |
8 | Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomics-Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits, CSS-27 (PC-6327) | 29.02.2020 to 28.02.2025 | DBT | Dr. Pankaj Sharma | |
9 | Characterization of Chickpea Germplasm Resource to Accelerate Genomics-assisted Crop Improvement CSS-28 (PC 6335) | 23.11.2020 to 22.11.2025 | DBT | Dr. Inderjit Singh | |
10 | Introgression and mapping of bruchid resistance from ricebean (Vigna umbellate) to mungbean (V. radiata), CSS-29 (PC-6341) | 05.01.2021 to 04.01.2023 | DBT | Dr. Pankaj Sharma | |
11 | Marker-assisted stacking of genes associated with seed quality and aphid resistance in high-yielding mustard cultivars, CSS-30 (PC-6336) | 29.12.2020 to 28.12.2023 | DBT | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur | |
12 | National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) (Life Science), CSS-31 (PC-6345) | 24.02.2021 to 23.02.2023 | SERB | Dr. Harjeevan Kaur | |
13 | Genomics-Led improvement of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in mustard rape for economic and environmental sustainability, CSS-61 (PC-6279) | 3 and Half Years Upto 29.09.2022 | DBT | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur | |
14 | DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow, CSS-60 (PC-6376) | Two Years | Dept of Atomic Energy | Dr. S.S Banga | |
15 | Unravelling the diversity of R genes against yellow mosaic disease in Vigna, CSS-69 (PC-6368) | 28.01.2022 to 27.01.2025 | DBT | Dr. Asmita Sirari | |
16 | Imparting Sheath blight disease tolerance in rice, CSS-75 (PC-6357) | 08.09.2020 to 31.06.2023 | DBT | Dr. J.S. Lore | |
18 | Pyramiding genes for resistance to yellow mosaic disease and null kunitz trypsin inhibitor in two most popular soybean varieties through MAS, CSS-73 (PC 6330) | 01.04.2020 to 16.01.2023 | DBT | Dr. B.S Gill | |
19 | Development of Haploid Inducer rice lines using CRISPR Cas9 gene editing system for high induction frequency, CSS-87 (PC-6385) | 01.08.2022 to 31.07.2025 | DBT | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia | |
20 | DUS testing of Fababean CSS-98 (PC-6391) | 27.12.2022 to 26.12.25 | DBT | Dr. R.K Gill |
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Important Publications
- Kaur, H., Oberoi, H. K., Ganapathy, K. N., & Bhardwaj, R. (2023). Effect of popping and malting processing techniques on physiochemical, antinutrients and antioxidant properties of millets flour. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-15. (NAAS: 9.61)
- Padhy, A. K., Sharma, A., Sharma, H., Srivastava, P., Singh, S., Kaur, P., Kaur J., Kaur S., Chhuneja P., & Bains, N. S. (2023). Combining high carotenoid, grain protein content and rust resistance in wheat for food and nutritional security. Frontiers in Genetics, 14, 1075767. (NAAS: 10.60)
- Rani, H., Bhardwaj, R. D., & Kaur, S. (2023). Understanding the influence of genotype and temperature on proteolytic activity in distinct barley genotypes. Journal of Food Science, 88(4), 1718-1730. (NAAS: 9.69)
- Sharma, H., Singh, S., Shamshad, M., Padhy, A. K., Kaur, R., Kashyap, L., Srivastava, P., Mavi, G. S., Kaur, S., Sharma, A., Sohu, V.S., & Bains, N. S. (2023). Variability in iron, zinc, phytic acid and protein content in pre-breeding wheat germplasm under different water regimes. Plant Growth Regulation, 100(2), 531-543. (NAAS: 9.41)
- Sharma, M., Lore, J. S., Kaur, A., & Sandhu, J. S. (2023). Transgenic rice expressing Trichoderma spp. endochitinase gene exhibits moderate resistance to sheath blight. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 153(1), 53-65. (NAAS: 8.71)
- Bhardwaj, N. R., Atri, A., Banyal, D. K., Dhal, A., & Roy, A. K. (2022). Multi-location evaluation of fungicides for managing blast (Magnaporthe grisea) disease of forage pearl millet in India. Crop Protection, 159, 106019. (NAAS: 9.04)
- Bhinder, G., Sharma, S., Kaur, H., Akhatar, J., Mittal, M., & Sandhu, S. (2022). Genomic regions associated with seed meal quality traits in Brassica napus germplasm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 882766. (NAAS: 11.57)
- Devgan, M., Gill, G. K., Praba, U. P., Singh, G., Garg, T., Karnatam, K. S., Kaur, A., & Vikal, Y. (2022). Biochemical and molecular characterization of sub-tropical maize germplasm for tocopherols. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 114, 104842. (NAAS: 10.56)
- Kaur, M., Malik, D. P., Malhi, G. S., Sardana, V., Bolan, N. S., Lal, R., & Siddique, K. H. (2022). Rice residue management in the Indo-Gangetic Plains for climate and food security. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42(5), 92. (NAAS: 13.83)
- Padhy, A. K., Kaur, P., Singh, S., Kashyap, L., & Sharma, A. (2022). Colored wheat and derived products: key to global nutritional security. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-17. (NAAS: 17.18)
- Palial, S., Kumar, S., Atri, C., Sharma, S., & Banga, S. S. (2022). Antixenosis and antibiosis mechanisms of resistance to turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) in Brassica juncea-fruticulosa introgression lines. Journal of Pest Science, 95(2), 749-760. (NAAS: 11.74)
- Ram, H., Kaur, H., & Sikka, R. (2022). Need-based nitrogen management of wheat through use of green seeker and leaf color chart for enhancing grain yield and quality. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 45(17), 2655-2671. (NAAS: 8.28)
- Ram, H., Singh, B., Kaur, M., Gupta, N., Kaur, J., & Singh, A. (2022). Combined use of foliar zinc fertilisation, thiamethoxam and propiconazole does not reduce their effectiveness for enriching zinc in wheat grains and controlling insects and disease. Crop and Pasture Science, 73(5), 427-436. (NAAS: 8.29)
- Sandhu, N., Singh, J., Singh, G., Sethi, M., Singh, M. P., Pruthi, G., Raigar, O. P., Kaur, R., Sarao, P. S., Lore, J. S., Singh, U. M., Dixit, S., Sagare, D. B., Singh, S. P., Satturu, V., Singh, V. K., & Kumar, A. (2022). Development and validation of a novel core set of KASP markers for the traits improving grain yield and adaptability of rice under direct-seeded cultivation conditions. Genomics, 114(2), 110269. (NAAS: 11.74)
- Singh, G., Kaur, N., Khanna, R., Kaur, R., Gudi, S., Kaur, R., Sidhu, N., Vikal. Y., & Mangat, G. S. (2022). 2Gs and plant architecture: breaking grain yield ceiling through breeding approaches for next wave of revolution in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 1-24. (NAAS: 14.43)
- Singh, H., Kaur, J., Bala, R., Srivastava, P., Sharma, A., Grover, G.,.. & Bains, N. S. (2022). Residual effect of defeated stripe rust resistance genes/QTLs in bread wheat against prevalent pathotypes of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. Plos one, 17(4), e0266482. (NAAS: 9.24)
- Upadhyay, P., Gupta, M., Sra, S. K., Sharda, R., Sharma, S., Sardana, V. K., Akhatar, J., & Kaur, G. (2022). Genome wide association studies for acid phosphatase activity at varying phosphorous levels in Brassica juncea L. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 1056028. (NAAS: 12.63)
- Dhillon, B. S., Kumar, V., Sagwal, P., Kaur, N., Singh Mangat, G., & Singh, S. (2021). Seed priming with potassium nitrate and gibberellic acid enhances the performance of dry direct seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.) in north-western India. Agronomy, 11(5), 849. (NAAS: 9.69)
- Gill, K. S., Kaur, G., Kaur, G., Kaur, J., Kaur Sra, S., Kaur, K., Gurpreet, K., Sharma, M., Bansal, M., Chhuneja, P., Banga, S.S., & Banga, S. S. (2021). Development and validation of kompetitive allele-specific PCR assays for erucic acid content in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) czern and coss.]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 738805. (NAAS: 12.63)
- Longmei, N., Gill, G. K., Zaidi, P. H., Kumar, R., Nair, S. K., Hindu, V., Vinayan, M. T., & Vikal, Y. (2021). Genome wide association mapping for heat tolerance in sub-tropical maize. BMC genomics, 22(1), 1-14. (NAAS: 9.59)
- Sharma, A., Srivastava, P., Mavi, G. S., Kaur, S., Kaur, J., Bala, R., Singh, T.P., Sohu, V.S., Chhuneja, P., Bains, N. S. Singh, G. P. (2021). Resurrection of wheat cultivar PBW343 using marker-assisted gene pyramiding for rust resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 570408. (NAAS: 11.75)
- Singh, J., Sharma, S., Kaur, A., Vikal, Y., Cheema, A. K., Bains, B. K., Kaur, Noorpreet Gill, G. K,, Malhotra, P. K., Kumar, A., Sharma, P., Muthusamy, V., Kaur, Amarjeet Chawla, J. S., & Hossain, F. (2021). Marker-assisted pyramiding of lycopene-ε-cyclase, β-carotene hydroxylase1 and opaque2 genes for development of biofortified maize hybrids. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12642. (NAAS: 10.01)
- Singh, S., Jighly, A., Sehgal, D., Burgueño, J., Joukhadar, R., Singh, S. K., Sharma, A., Vikram, P., Sansaloni, C. P., Govindan, V., Bhavani, S., Randhawa , M., Solis Moya, E., Singh, S., Pardo, N. Arif, M. A. R., aghari, K. A., Basandrai, D. , Shokat, S., Chaudhary, H. K., Saeed, N. A., Basandrai, A. K., Ledesma-Ramírez, L.,. Sohu , V. S., Muhammad Imtiaz, S. M., Ali, P., Wenzl, G. P., Singh, & Bains, N. S. (2021). Direct introgression of untapped diversity into elite wheat lines. Nature Food, 2(10), 819-827. (NAAS: 20.43)
- Akhatar, J., Singh, M. P., Sharma, A., Kaur, H., Kaur, N., Sharma, S., Bharti, B., Sardana, V. K., & Banga, S. S. (2020). Association mapping of seed quality traits under varying conditions of nitrogen application in Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss. Frontiers in Genetics, 11, 744. (NAAS: 10.77)
- Dhillon, B. S., Uppal, R. S., & Goyal, M. (2020). Forage quality and productivity of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as influenced by cutting management under staggered sowing in North-West India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 66(9), 1244-1258. (NAAS: 8.25).
- Mwathi, M. W., Gupta, M., Quezada-Martinez, D., Pradhan, A., Batley, J., & Mason, A. S. (2020). Fertile allohexaploid Brassica hybrids obtained from crosses between B. oleracea and B. juncea via ovule rescue and colchicine treatment of cuttings. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 140, 301-313. (NAAS: 8.00).
- Vikal, Y., Kaur, A., Jindal, J., Kaur, K., Pathak, D., Garg, T., Ashanpreet, S., Pal, S.P., & Yadav, I. (2020). Identification of genomic regions associated with shoot fly resistance in maize and their syntenic relationships in the sorghum genome. Plos one, 15(6), e0234335. (NAAS: 9.24)
- Atri, C., Akhatar, J., Gupta, M., Gupta, N., Goyal, A., Rana, K., Kaur, R., Mittal, M., Sharma, A., Singh, M. P., Sandhu, P.S., Barbetti, M. J., & Banga, S. S. (2019). Molecular and genetic analysis of defensive responses of Brassica juncea–B. fruticulosa introgression lines to Sclerotinia infection. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 17089. (NAAS: 10.12)
- Blümmel, M., Updahyay, S. R., Gautam, N., Barma, N. C. D., Hakim, M. A., Hussain, M., ... & Joshi, A. K. (2019). Comparative assessment of food-fodder traits in a wide range of wheat germplasm for diverse biophysical target domains in South Asia. Field Crops Research, 236, 68-74. (NAAS: 9.13)
- Goyal, M., & Kaur, R. (2019). Interactive effect of nitrogen nutrition, nitrate reduction and seasonal variation on oxalate synthesis in leaves of Napier-bajra hybrid (Pennisetum purpureum× P. glaucum). Crop and Pasture Science, 70(8), 669-675. (NAAS: 7.35)
- Greenlon, A., Chang, P. L., Damtew, Z. M., Muleta, A., Carrasquilla-Garcia, N., Kim, D., Nguyen, H.P., Suryawanshi, V., Krieg, C.P., Yadav, S.K., Patel, J.S., Mukherjee, A., Udupa, S., Benjelloun, I., Thami-Alami, I., Yasin, M., Patil, B., Singh, S., Sarma, B.K., EJB von Wettberg, Kahraman, A., Bukun, B., Assefa, F., Tesfaye, K., Fikre, A. & Cook, D. R. (2019). Global-level population genomics reveals differential effects of geography and phylogeny on horizontal gene transfer in soil bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(30), 15200-15209. (NAAS: 15.50)
- Gupta, S., Akhatar, J., Kaur, P., Sharma, A., Sharma, P., Mittal, M., Bharti, B., & Banga, S. S. (2019). Genetic analyses of nitrogen assimilation enzymes in Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss. Molecular biology reports, 46, 4235-4244. (NAAS: 7.89)
- Gupta, S., Sharma, N., Akhatar, J., Atri, C., Kaur, J., Kaur, G., & Banga, S. S. (2019). Analysis of epigenetic landscape in a recombinant inbred line population developed by hybridizing natural and re-synthesized Brassica juncea (L.) with stable C-genome introgressions. Euphytica, 215, 1-11. (NAAS: 7.55)
- Kaur, H., & Goyal, M. (2019). Salicylic acid priming enhances low temperature stress tolerance in Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) by influencing antioxidant system. Indian J Experimental Biology 57:507-15. (NAAS: 7.48)
- Kaur, H., Gill, R. S., & Kaur, R. (2019). Correlation between biophysical seed characteristics of rice bean, Vigna umbellata (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Phaseoleae) and the development of Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). Journal of Stored Products Research, 83, 9-13. (NAAS: 7.83)
- Kaur, K., Grewal, S. K., Gill, P. S., & Singh, S. (2019). Comparison of cultivated and wild chickpea genotypes for nutritional quality and antioxidant potential. Journal of food science and technology, 56, 1864-1876. (NAAS: 7.80)
- Kaur, S., Bhardwaj, R. D., Kapoor, R., & Grewal, S. K. (2019). Biochemical characterization of oat (Avena sativa L.) genotypes with high nutritional potential. LWT, 110, 32-39. (NAAS: 9.13)
- Kumawat, K. C., Sharma, P., Sirari, A., Singh, I., Gill, B. S., Singh, U., & Saharan, K. (2019). Synergism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (LSE-2) nodule endophyte with Bradyrhizobium sp. (LSBR-3) for improving plant growth, nutrient acquisition and soil health in soybean. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 35, 1-17. (NAAS: 8.10)
- Priya, M., Sharma, L., Singh, I., Bains, T. S., Siddique, K. H., Bindumadhava, H., Nair, R. M., & Nayyar, H. (2019). Securing reproductive function in mungbean grown under high temperature environment with exogenous application of proline. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 140, 136-150. (NAAS: 8.72)
- Ramesh, S. V., Shivakumar, M., Ramteke, R., Bhatia, V. S., Chouhan, B. S., Goyal, S., Singh, A., Praveen, S., Gill, B. S., & Chand, S. (2019). Quantification of a legume begomovirus to evaluate soybean genotypes for resistance to yellow mosaic disease. Journal of virological methods, 268, 24-31. (NAAS: 7.76)
- Rana, K., Atri, C., Akhatar, J., Kaur, R., Goyal, A., Singh, M. P., Kumar N, Sharma A, Singh, P. S., Kaur, G., Barbetti, M.J., & Banga, S. S. (2019). Detection of first marker trait associations for resistance against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica juncea–Erucastrum cardaminoides introgression lines. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 1015. (NAAS: 9.68)
- Randhawa, M. S., Bains, N. S., Sohu, V. S., Chhuneja, P., Trethowan, R. M., Bariana, H. S., & Bansal, U. (2019). Marker assisted transfer of stripe rust and stem rust resistance genes into four wheat cultivars. Agronomy, 9(9), 497. (NAAS: 7.42)
- Sachdeva, S., Dawar, S., Rani, U., Patil, B. S., Soren, K. R., Singh, S., Sanwal, S.K., Chauhan, S.K., & Bharadwaj, C. (2019). Identification of SSR markers linked to Botrytis grey mould resistance in chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 58(2), 283-292. (NAAS: 7.44)
- Sharma, P., Singh, I., Sirari, A., Khosla, G., Singh, G., Ludhar, N. K., & Singh, S. (2019). Inheritance and molecular mapping of restorer?of?fertility (Rf) gene in A2 hybrid system in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan). Plant Breeding, 138(6), 741-747. (NAAS: 7.39)
- Singh, G., Virk, H. K., Aggarwal, N., Gupta, R. K., & Khanna, V. (2019). Symbiotic parameters, growth, nutrient accumulation, productivity and profitability as influenced by integrated nutrient management in lentil (Lens culinaris). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(3), 411-420. (NAAS: 8.25)
- Sra, S. K., Sharma, M., Kaur, G., Sharma, S., Akhatar, J., Sharma, A., & Banga, S. S. (2019). Evolutionary aspects of direct or indirect selection for seed size and seed metabolites in Brassica juncea and diploid progenitor species. Molecular biology reports, 46, 1227-1238. (NAAS: 7.89)
- Garg, T., Mallikarjuna, B. P., Thudi, M., Samineni, S., Singh, S., Sandhu, J. S., Kaur, L., Singh, I., Sirari, A., Basandrai, A., Basandrai, D., Varshney, R. K., & Gaur, P. M. (2018). Identification of QTLs for resistance to Fusarium wilt and Ascochyta blight in a recombinant inbred population of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica, 214, 1-11. (NAAS: 7.63)
- Grover, G., Sharma, A., Gill, H. S., Srivastava, P., & Bains, N. S. (2018). Rht8 gene as an alternate dwarfing gene in elite Indian spring wheat cultivars. PLoS One, 13(6), e0199330. (NAAS: 8.81)
- Kumar, K., Sarao, P. S., Bhatia, D., Neelam, K., Kaur, A., Mangat, G. S., Brar, D. S., & Singh, K. (2018). High-resolution genetic mapping of a novel brown planthopper resistance locus, Bph34 in Oryza sativa L. X Oryza nivara (Sharma & Shastry) derived interspecific F 2 population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 131, 1163-1171. (NAAS: 10.13)
- Rani, A., Kumar, V., Gill, B. S., Shukla, S., Rathi, P., & Singh, R. K. (2018). Mapping of duplicate dominant genes for Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus resistance in Glycine soja. Crop Science, 58(4), 1566-1574. (NAAS: 7.63)
- Sahoo, P., Brar, A. S., & Sharma, S. (2018). Effect of methods of irrigation and sulphur nutrition on seed yield, economic and bio-physical water productivity of two sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids. Agricultural Water Management, 206, 158-164. (NAAS: 8.85)
- Sharma, S. R., Singh, S., Aggarwal, N., Kaur, J., Gill, R. K., Kushwah, A., Patil, S. B., & Kumar, S. (2018). Genetic variation for tolerance to post-emergence herbicide, imazethapyr in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.). Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 64(13), 1818-1830. (NAAS: 8.14)
- Singh, S., Vikram, P., Sehgal, D., Burgueño, J., Sharma, A., Singh, S. K., Sansaloni, C. P., Joynson, R., Brabbs, T., Ortiz, C., Solis-Moya, E., Govindan, V., Gupta, N., Sidhu, H. S., Basandrai, A. K., Basandrai, D., Ledesma-Ramires, L., Suaste-Franco, M. P., Fuentes-Dávila, G., Moreno, J. I., Sonder, K., Singh, V. K., Singh, S., Shokat, S., Arif, M. A. R., Laghari, K. A., Srivastava, Puja., Bhavani, S., Kumar, S., Pal, D., Jaiswal, J. P., Kumar, U., Chaudhary, H. K., Crossa, J., Payne, T. S., Imtiaz, M., Sohu V. S., Singh, G. P., Bains, N. S., Hall, A., & Pixley, K. V. (2018). Harnessing genetic potential of wheat germplasm banks through impact-oriented-prebreeding for future food and nutritional security. Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-11. (NAAS: 11.58)
- Sita, K., Sehgal, A., Bhandari, K., Kumar, J., Kumar, S., Singh, S., Siddique, K. H. M., & Nayyar, H. (2018). Impact of heat stress during seed filling on seed quality and seed yield in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotypes. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(13), 5134-5141. (NAAS: 8.69)
- Trethowan, R., Chatrath, R., Tiwari, R., Kumar, S., Saharan, M. S., Bains, N., Sohu, V.S., Srivastava, P., Sharma, A., Nitish, D., Prakashe, S., Singh, G.P., Sharma, I., Eagles, H., Diffey, S., Bansal, U., & Bariana, H. (2018). An analysis of wheat yield and adaptation in India. Field Crops Research, 219, 192-213. (NAAS: 9.05)
- Kaur, A., Kaur, K. P., Kalia, A., Rani, U., Kahlon, J. G., Sharma, R., Malaviya, D., Kapoor, R., & Sandhu, J. S. (2017). Generation of interspecific hybrids between Trifolium vesiculosum and T. alexandrinum using embryo rescue. Euphytica, 213, 1-15. (NAAS: 7.63)
- Kaur, B., Sangha, M. K., & Kaur, G. (2017). Development of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration model for estimation of oil content in Brassica juncea and Brassica napus. Food Analytical Methods, 10, 227-233. (NAAS: 8.17)
- Kaur, D., Grewal, S. K., Kaur, J., & Singh, S. (2017). Differential proline metabolism in vegetative and reproductive tissues determine drought tolerance in chickpea. Biologia plantarum, 61, 359-366. (NAAS: 7.55)
- Kaur, D., Grewal, S. K., Kaur, J., & Singh, S. (2017). Free radical scavenging activities can mitigate the effect of water stress in chickpea. Crop and Pasture Science, 68(6), 544-554. (NAAS: 7.80)
- Krishnamurthy, S. L., Sharma, P. C., Sharma, D. K., Ravikiran, K. T., Singh, Y. P., Mishra, V. K., Burman D., Maji B., Mandal S., Sarangi S. K., Gautam R. K., Singh P. K., Manohara K. K., Marandi B. C., Padmavathi G., Vanve P. B., Patil K. D., Thirumeni S., Verma O. P., Khan A. H., Tiwari S., Geetha S., Shakila M., Gill R.S, Yadav V. K., Roy S. K. B., Prakash M., Bonifacio J., Ismail, A., Gregorio G. B., & Singh, R. K. (2017). Identification of mega-environments and rice genotypes for general and specific adaptation to saline and alkaline stresses in India. Scientific reports, 7(1), 7968. (NAAS: 11.23)
- Mwathi, M. W., Gupta, M., Atri, C., Banga, S. S., Batley, J., & Mason, A. S. (2017). Segregation for fertility and meiotic stability in novel Brassica allohexaploids. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130, 767-776. (NAAS: 9.90)
- Nair, R. M., Götz, M., Winter, S., Giri, R. R., Boddepalli, V. N., Sirari, A., Bains, T. S., Taggar, G. K., Dikshit, H. K., Aski, M., Boopathi, M., Swain, D., Rathore, A., Kumar, V. A., Lii, E. C., & Kenyon, L. (2017). Identification of mungbean lines with tolerance or resistance to yellow mosaic in fields in India where different begomovirus species and different Bemisia tabaci cryptic species predominate. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 149, 349-365. (NAAS: 7.49)
- Pal, R., Mahajan, G., Sardana, V., & Chauhan, B. S. (2017). Impact of sowing date on yield, dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, and nitrogen translocation in dry-seeded rice in North-West India. Field Crops Research, 206, 138-148. (NAAS: 8.93)
- Rana, K., Atri, C., Gupta, M., Akhatar, J., Sandhu, P. S., Kumar, N., Jaswal, R., Barbetti, M. J., & Banga, S. S. (2017). Mapping resistance responses to Sclerotinia infestation in introgression lines of Brassica juncea carrying genomic segments from wild Brassicaceae B. fruticulosa. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 5904. (NAAS: 11.23)
- Rani, A., Kumar, V., BS, G., Rathi, P., & Shukla, S. (2017). Linkage mapping of Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) resistance gene in soybean. Breeding science, 67(2), 95-100. (NAAS: 7.54)
- Sehgal, A., Sita, K., Kumar, J., Kumar, S., Singh, S., Siddique, K. H., & Nayyar, H. (2017). Effects of drought, heat and their interaction on the growth, yield and photosynthetic function of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotypes varying in heat and drought sensitivity. Frontiers in plant science, 8, 1776. (NAAS: 10.30)
- Sita, K., Sehgal, A., Kumar, J., Kumar, S., Singh, S., Siddique, K. H., & Nayyar, H. (2017). Identification of high-temperature tolerant lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes through leaf and pollen traits. Frontiers in plant science, 8, 744. (NAAS: 10.30)
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Academic Programs
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher with Designation | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | PBG 502 | Principles of Cytogenetics | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist |
2 | PGS-503 | Intellectual Property and its Management in Agriculture | 1+0 | Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (Sec. A) Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (C) (Sec. B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder (Section C) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder (Section D) | |
3 | PBG 505 | Heterosis Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Gurjit Kaur, Professor | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder |
4 | PBG 601 | Genomics in Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
5 | PBG 602 | Molecular and Chromosomal -- Manipulations for Crop Breeding | 2+0 | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | |
6 | PBG 604 | Breeding Designer Crops | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. S.K.Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist–cum-HOD, Department of Botany | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder Dr. Sanjula Sharma, Biochemist Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany |
7 | PBG 591/ GPB-591 | Seminar | 0+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor, Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist and Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder | |
8 | GPB-691 | Seminar-I | 1+0 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor, Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist and Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder | |
9 | GPB-692 | Seminar-II | 1+0 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor, Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist and Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder |
Incharge Teaching Section, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | GPB-503 | Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Pritpal Singh, Sr. Statistician Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
2 | GPB-504 | Varietal Development and Maintenance Breeding | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder (C ) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
3 | GPB-506 | Molecular Breeding and Biotechnology | 2+1 | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Snehdeep Kaur, Asstt. Prof. (Edu.) Simarjeet Kaur Sra, Project Scientist-1 |
4 | GPB-512 | Crop Breeding- II (Rabi crops) | 2+1 | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder |
5 | GPB 513 | Breeding Vegetable Crops | 2+1 | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. R.K. Dhall, Principal Olericulturist | Dr. R.K. Dhall, Principal Olericulturist |
6 | GPB-516 | Breeding for Stress Resistance and Climate Change | 2+1 | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Plant Pathologist (W) Dr. Navjot Kaur, Plant Physiologist (Seed Tech.) |
7 | GPB 517 | Germplasm Characterization and Evaluation | 1+1 | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Plant Breeder | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Plant Breeder |
8 | GPB-518 | Genetic enhancement for PGR utilization | 1+1 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
9 | GPB-604 | Plant Genetic Resources, conservation and utilization | 2+0 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | |
10 | GPB-605 | Genomics in Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
11 | GPB-608 | Breeding Designer Crops | 1+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. S.K.Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder Dr. Sanjula Sharma, Biochemist Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany |
12 | GPB-609 | IPR and Regulatory Mechanism | 1+0 | Dr. Devinderpal Singh, Sr. Forage Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C) | |
13 | GPB 610 | Genome Editing in Plants | 2+0 | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C) Dr. Prashant Mohanpuria, Asstt. Prof. (Biotech.) Dr. Pooja Manchanda, Molecular Geneticist | |
14 | PGS-505 | Agricultural Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes | 1+0 | Dr. Pankaj Sharma, Plant Pathologist (C) (A) Dr. Devinder Tiwari, Extension Scientist Dr. Harish Kumar, Extension Scientist (Plant Breeding) (B) Dr. Lopamudra Mohapatra, Asstt. Professor Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder (C ) Dr. Lakhwinder Kaur, Extension Scientist Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder (D) Dr. Kamalpreet Kaur, Extension Scientist |
Incharge Teaching Section, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Section | Name of Teacher with Designation Practical | |
1 | PBG 102 | Fundamentals of Genetics | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr -A | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (Oilseed) | Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr -B | Dr. R.K.Gill, Principal Pulses Breeder Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr-C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Plant Breeder | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder | ||||
2 | PBG 201 | Fundamentals of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | B.Tech. (Biotech.) 1st year | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder(C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder |
3 | PBG 302 | Crop Improvement II (Rabi crops) | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -A | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Puja Srivasvata, Sr. Plant Breeder(C) Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr Mamta Pathak, Principal Olericulturist | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Forage Breeder Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr Mamta Pathak, Principal Olericulturist |
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -B | Dr. Inderjit Singh, Principal Plant Breeder Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, Sr. Fruit Scientist Dr O.P. Meena, Vegetable Breeder | Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr Gagandeep Kaur, Sr.Fruit Scientist Dr O.P. Meena, Vegetable Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr-C | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor | ||||
B.Tech. (Biotech.) III yr. | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Extension Specialist (Fruits) Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Extension Specialist Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor | ||||
4 | PBG 304 | Principles of Seed Technology | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -A | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder (C ) Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -B | Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Plant Breeder Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Millet Breeder | Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Plant Breeder Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Millet Breeder | ||||
B.Sc (Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr-C | Dr. Navjot Dhillon, Plant Breeder Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) | Dr. Navjot Dhillon, Plant Breeder Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder | ||||
5 | PBG 305 | Molecular Breeding Technologies | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder | Dr. Satinder Singh, Wheat Breeder |
6 | PBG 492 | Experiential Learning in Seed Production and Technology | 0+20 | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder (C) Dr. T.P. Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) |
Incharge Teaching Section, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Section | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | |||||
1 | PBG 102 | Fundamentals of Genetics | 2+1 | B.Tech. (Biotech.) 1st year | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder (C) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder |
2 | PBG 201 | Fundamentals of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr–Sec A | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr –Sec B | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Maize Breeder Dr. Suruchi Vij, Plant Breeder | ||||
3 | PBG 301 | Crop Improvement I (Kharif crops) | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec A | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor |
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year &V/6 yr –Sec B | Dr. Inderjit Singh, Principal Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr. Madhu Sharma, Assistant Professor | Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr. Madhu Sharma, Assistant Professor | ||||
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year &V/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur, Professor Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Manveen Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. M.K. Sidhu, Vegetable Breeder | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Manveen Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr. M.K. Sidhu, Vegetable Breeder | ||||
B.Tech. (Biotech.) 3rdyr | Dr. Navjot Dhillon, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder Dr. Yogesh Khokhar, Fruit Scientist Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor | Dr. Navjot Dhillon, Plant Breeder Dr. Yogesh Khokhar, Fruit Scientist Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor | ||||
4 | PBG 303 | Intellectual Property Rights | 1+0 | B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec A | Dr. Devinderpal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Plant Breeder | |
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr -Sec-B | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder | |||||
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur, Professor (C) Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder | |||||
5 | PBG 491 | Agro-industrial attachment Commercial Hybrid Seed Production Unit | 0+4 | B.Sc. (Agri.)IV/4 yr & VI/6 yr | Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder |
The course PBG 491 is being offered by the teachers working on crops in which hybrid seed can be produced. Therefore, the coordinator is from research side.
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | PBG 433 | Genetics of Crop Plants | 2+1 | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder | Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder |
2 | PBG 501 | Principles of Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (Oilseeds) (C ) Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
3 | PBG 503 | Principles of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C ) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
4 | PBG 506 | Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding | 1+1 | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder (C ) | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder |
5 | PBG 512 | Gene Regulation and Expression | 2+0 | Dr. S.K. Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder (C ) Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Oilseed Breeder | |
6 | PBG 513 | Maintenance Breeding and Concepts of Variety Release and Seed Production | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder (C ) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
7 | PGS 502 | Intellectual Property Management Biodiversity and Biosafety | 2+0 | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (Section A) (C ) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (Section B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
8 | PBG 603 | Advances in Plant Breeding Systems | 2+0 | Dr. S.S.Banga, Honorary Adjunct Professor Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Oilseed Breeder (C ) Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
9 | PBG 605 | Plant Genetic Resources & Crops evolution | 2+0 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
10 | PBG 606 | Advanced Biometrical and Quantitative Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C ) | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
11 | PBG 607 | Advances in Breeding of Major Field Crops | 3+0 | Dr. V.S. Sohu, Principal Wheat Breeder-cum-HOD Dr. S.K.Dhillon, Professor (C) Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr.Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Plant Breeder Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder |
Chairman, Teaching Committee
Head Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | GPB-501 | Principles of Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (C) Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
2 | GPB-502 | Principles of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
3 | GPB-505 | Principles of Cytogenetics | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder |
4 | GPB- 508 | Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder (C) | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder |
5 | GPB-509 | Hybrid Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder |
6 | GPB-510 | Seed Production and Certification | 1+1 | Dr.T.P.Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) Dr.Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (C) | Dr.T.P.Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) Dr.Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) |
7 | GPB-511 | Crop Breeding –I (Kharif Crops) | 2+1 | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder |
8 | PGS-503 | Intellectual Property and its Management in Agriculture | 1+0 | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (Sec. A) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C) (Sec. B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
9 | PGS-505 | Agricultural Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes | 1+0 | Dr. Pankaj Sharma, Plant Pathologist (C) Dr. Manmeet Kaur, Associate Prof., Deptt. of Ext. Edu. | |
10 | GPB-601 | Advances in Plant Breeding System | 3+0 | Dr. S.S.Banga, Honorary Adjunct Professor Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Oilseed Breeder (C ) Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
GPB-607 | Crop Evolution | 3+0 | Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dhraminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | ||
11 | GPB-591/ PBG 591/ | Seminar | 1+0 | Drs. S.K. Dhillon, Gurjit Kaur Gill, B.S. Gill, Dharminder Pathak, Dhraminder Bhatia (C) and Mehak Gupta | |
12 | GPB-691 | Seminar I | 1+0 | Drs. S.K. Dhillon, Gurjit Kaur Gill, B.S. Gill, Dharminder Pathak, Dhraminder Bhatia (C) and Mehak Gupta |
Chairman, Teaching Committee
Head Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Section | Name of Teacher Theory Practical | |
1 | PBG 102 | Fundamentals of Genetics | 2+1 | B.Tech. (Biotech.) 1st year | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder (C) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder |
2 | PBG 201 | Fundamentals of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr–Sec A | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr –Sec B | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Ag)II/4 year & IV/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Maize Breeder Dr. Suruchi Vij, Plant Breeder | ||||
3 | PBG 301 | Crop Improvement I (Kharif crops) | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec A | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor Dr. Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist |
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year &V/6 yr –Sec B | Dr. Gurjit Kaur, Professor Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Mamta Pathak, Principal Olericulturist Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist Dr. Mamta Pathak, Principal Olericulturist Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist | ||||
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year &V/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. Inderjit Singh, Principal Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. M.K. Sidhu, Vegetable Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Fruit Scientist | Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. M.K. Sidhu, Vegetable Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Fruit Scientist | ||||
B.Tech. (Biotech.) 3rdyr | Dr. Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor Dr. Yogesh Khokhar, Fruit Scientist, USF Ladhowal | Dr. Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder Dr. Hira Singh, Asstt. Professor Dr. Yogesh Khokhar, Fruit Scientist, USF Ladhowal | ||||
4 | PBG 303 | Intellectual Property Rights | 1+0 | B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec A | Dr. Devinderpal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Plant Breeder | |
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr -Sec-B | Dr. Gurjit Kaur, Professor Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C) | |||||
B.Sc.(Ag)III/4 year & V/6 yr –Sec C | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder | |||||
5 | PBG 491 | Agro-industrial attachment Commercial Hybrid Seed Production Unit | 0+4 | B.Sc.(Agri.)IV/4 yr & VI/6 yr | Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder |
*The course PBG 491 is being offered by the teachers working on crops in which hybrid seed can be produced. Therefore, the coordinator is from research side.
Head,Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | PBG 433 | Genetics of Crop Plants | 2+1 | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder | Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder |
2 | PBG 434 | Cytogenetics of Crop Plants | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C ) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist |
3 | PBG 435 | Theory and Practice of Plant Breeding | 3+1 | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder (C ) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder |
4 | PBG 437 | Crop Experimentation | 1+1 | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C ) Dr. Pritpal Singh, Sr. Statistician | Dr. Pritpal Singh, Sr. Statistician |
5 | PBG 501 | Principles of Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (Oilseeds) (C ) Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Snehdeep Kaur, Asstt. Prof. (Edu.) Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Oilseed Breeder |
6 | PBG 503 | Principles of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C ) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
7 | PBG 506 | Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding | 1+1 | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder (C ) | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder |
8 | PBG 512 | Gene Regulation and Expression | 2+0 | Dr. S.K. Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder (C ) Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Oilseed Breeder | |
9 | PBG 513 | Maintenance Breeding and Concepts of Variety Release and Seed Production | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder (C ) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
10 | PGS 502 | Intellectual Property Management Biodiversity and Biosafety | 2+0 | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (Section A) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C ) (Section B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
11 | PBG 603 | Advances in Plant Breeding Systems | 2+0 | Dr. S.S.Banga, Honorary Adjunct Professor Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Oilseed Breeder (C ) Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
12 | PBG 605 | Plant Genetic Resources & Crops evolution | 2+0 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
13 | PBG 606 | Advanced Biometrical and Quantitative Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C ) | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
14 | PBG 607 | Advances in Breeding of Major Field Crops | 3+0 | Dr. V.S. Sohu, Principal Wheat Breeder-cum-HOD Dr. S.K.Dhillon, Professor (C) Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr.Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Plant Breeder Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | |
15 | PBG 591 | Seminar | 1+0 | Drs. S.K. Dhillon, Gurjit Kaur, Dharminder Pathak, Dhraminder Bhatia (C), Mehak Gupta and Nida Yousuf |
Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana
Sr. No. | Course No. | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | ||
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | GPB-501 | Principles of Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (C) Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Snehdeep Kaur, Asstt. Prof. (Edu.) Dr. Meenakshi Mittal, Oilseed Breeder |
2 | GPB -502 | Principles of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
3 | GPB -504 | Varietal Development and Maintenance Breeding | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder (C) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
4 | GPB- 508 | Mutagenesis and Mutation Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder (C) | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder |
5 | GPB-509 | Hybrid Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder |
6 | GPB-510 | Seed Production and Certification | 1+1 | Dr.T.P.Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) Dr.Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (C) | Dr.T.P.Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) Dr.Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) |
7 | GPB-511 | Crop Breeding –I (Kharif Crops) | 2+1 | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Plant Breeder |
8 | PGS-503 | Intellectual Property and its Management in Agriculture | 1+0 | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (Sec. A) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C) (Sec. B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
9 | PGS-505 | Agricultural Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programmes | 1+0 | Dr. Pankaj Sharma, Plant Pathologist (C) Dr. Manmeet Kaur, Associate Prof., Deptt. of Ext. Edu. |
Chairman, Teaching Committee
Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, PAU, Ludhiana
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | GPB-503 | Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Pritpal Singh, Sr. Statistician Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
2 | GPB-504 | Varietal Development and Maintenance Breeding | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder (C ) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
3 | GPB-506 | Molecular Breeding and Biotechnology | 2+1 | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | Dr. Snehdeep Kaur, Asstt. Prof. (Edu.) Dr. Mehak Gupta, Geneticist |
4 | GPB-512 | Crop Breeding- II (Rabi crops) | 2+1 | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C) Dr. Gagandeep Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder |
5 | GPB-516 | Breeding for Stress Resistance and Climate Change | 2+1 | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Plant Pathologist (W) Dr. Navjot Kaur, Plant Physiologist (Seed Tech.) |
6 | GPB-518 | Genetic enhancement for PGR utilization | 1+1 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder |
7 | GPB-604 | Plant Genetic Resources, conservation and utilization | 2+0 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder | |
8 | GPB-605 | Genomics in Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticis Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
9 | GPB-608 | Breeding Designer Crops | 1+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. S.K.Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder Dr. Sanjula Sharma, Biochemist Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany |
10 | GPB-609 | IPR and Regulatory Mechanism | 1+0 | Dr. Devinderpal Singh, Sr. Forage Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (C) |
Incharge Teaching Section
Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Section | Name of Teacher with Designation Theory Practical | |
1 | PBG 102 | Fundamentals of Genetics | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr -A | Dr. S.K.Dhillon, Professor Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist | Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet Kaur, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr -B | Dr. R.K.Gill, Principal Pulses Breeder Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Agri.)I/4 year & III/6 yr-C | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C)
Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Plant Breeder |
Dr. Nida Yousuf, Maize Breeder Dr. Suruchi Vij, Plant Breeder | ||||
2 | PBG 201 | Fundamentals of Plant Breeding | 2+1 | B.Tech. (Biotech.) 1st year | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder(C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder |
3 | PBG 302 | Crop Improvement II (Rabi crops) | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -A | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Puja Srivasvata, Plant Breeder Dr Gagandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr Sat pal Sharma, Principal Vegetable Breeder | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Forage Breeder Dr Gagandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr Sat pal Sharma, Principal Vegetable Breeder |
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -B | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor (C ) Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr Jiffinvir Singh Khosa, Vegetable Breeder | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr Kirandeep Kaur, Fruit Scientist Dr Jiffinvir Singh Khosa , Vegetable Breeder | ||||
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr-C | Dr. Inderjit Singh, Principal Plant Breeder Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr Hira Singh, Assistant Professor | Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Kuldeep Singh, Fruit Scientist Dr Hira Singh, Assistant Professor | ||||
B.Tech. (Biotech.) III yr. | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Extension Specialist Dr Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor Biotechnology | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder Dr. Manveen Kaur, Extension Specialist Dr Ruma Devi, Assistant Professor Biotechnology | ||||
4 | PBG 304 | Principles of Seed Technology | 1+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -A | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder (C ) Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder |
B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr -B | Dr. Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Millet Breeder | Dr. Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr. Millet Breeder | ||||
B.Sc (Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr-C | Dr.T.P. Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) | Dr. T.P. Singh, Plant Breeder Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder | ||||
5 | PBG 305 | Molecular Breeding Technologies | 2+1 | B.Sc.(Agri.)III/4 year & V/6 yr | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder |
6 | PBG 492 | Experiential Learning in Seed Production and Technology | 0+20 | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder (C) Dr. T.P. Singh, Plant Breeder (Seed Tech.) |
Incharge Teaching Section
Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Sr. No. | Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hr. | Name of Teacher with Designation | |
Theory | Practical | ||||
1 | PBG 504 | Principles of quantitative Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist (C) | Dr. Pritpal Singh, Sr. Statistician Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
2 | PBG 508 | Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics | 2+1 | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Forage Breeder (C) Dr. Snehdeep Kaur, Asstt. Professor (Edu.) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Forage Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
3 | PBG 509 | Breeding for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Resistance | 2+1 | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Plant Pathologist (Wheat) Dr. Navjot Kaur, Plant Physiologist (Seed Tech.) |
4 | PGS 502 | Intellectual Property Management, Biodiversity and Biosafety | 2+0 | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (C) (Sec. A ) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (Section B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
5 | PGS-503 | Intellectual Property and its Management in Agriculture | 1+0 | Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder (Sec. A) Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder (C) (Sec. B) Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder (Section C) Dr. Parul Sharma, Plant Breeder (Section D) | |
6 | PBG 505 | Heterosis Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet, Plant Breeder | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder Dr. Jasmeet, Plant Breeder |
7 | PBG 513 | Maintenance Breeding and Concepts of Variety Release and Seed Production | 1+1 | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder( C) Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder Dr. Satinder Singh, Plant Breeder |
8 | PBG 601 | Genomics in Plant Breeding | 2+1 | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist |
9 | PBG 602 | Molecular and Chromosomal -- Manipulations for Crop Breeding | 2+0 | Dr. S.S.Banga, Professor (Honorary Adjunct) Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder (C) Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | |
10 | PBG 604 | Breeding Designer Crops | 2+1 | Dr. R.S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder (C) Dr. S.K.Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Plant Breeder Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder Dr. Sanjula Sharma, Biochemist Dr. Pushp Sharma, Principal Physiologist –cum-HOD, Department of Botany |
11 | PBG 591 | Seminar | 0+1 | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist (C) Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Maize Breeder |
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / Facilities & Services
- Extensive field and laboratory facilities, including those at research station representing different agroclimatic zones of Punjab.
- Offseason crop raising facility at Keylong (HP), Cuttack and Coimbatore.
- Molecular Biology Laboratory in wheat, rice, oilseeds, cotton and pulses.
- Processing and nutritional quality evaluation laboratory in wheat, rice, forage and oilseeds.
- Germplasm enhancement laboratory in all sections of the department.
- Screen house, glass house and growth chamber facility.
- 149 internet service to all departmental faculty.
- Cytogenetic laboratory in oilseeds.
- Fibre quality laboratory in cotton.
- Crop physiology laboratory in pulses.
- Computer laboratory.
- Departmental Library.
- UG and PG laboratory.
- Conference/ Seminar hall.
- Plant Breeding museum.
College of Agriculture / Plant Breeding & Genetics / PG Students
M.Sc. students
M.Sc. students 2021 | ||||
Sr. No. | Name of student | Admission No | Major Advisor | Thesis title |
1 | Alka | L-2021-A-82-M | Dr. Arvinder Kaur Toor, Plant Breeder (Gurdaspur) | Genetic and biochemical characterization among diverse set of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm |
2 | Anmol Singh | L-2021-A-83-M | Dr.Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder | Morphological and molecular characterization of advanced backcross basmati breeding lines for yield and multiple biotic stresses |
3 | Gurmeet Kaur | L-2021-A-84-M | Dr. Tarvinderpal Singh, Plant Breeder | Morpho-agronomic and molecular characterization of napier grass germplasm (Pennisetum purpureum schumach) |
4 | Himanshu Agarwal | L-2021-A-86-M | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Plant Breeder | Studying genotype × environment effect on bread making quality in wheat |
5 | Khushnoor Singh Brar | L-2021-A-90-M | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | CRISPR/CAS9 based editing of ospld3 gene for unrevealing haploid induction ability in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) |
6 | Manavpreet Singh | L-2021-A-92-M | Dr.Usha Nara, Plant Breeder | Genetic analysis for morphological and quality traits in field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) |
7 | Navreet Kaur | L-2021-A-95-M | Dr. Ashok Kumar, Plant Breeder (Gurdaspur) | Marker assisted transfer of yellow mosaic disease resistance into susceptible genotypes of urdbean Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) |
8 | Priyam Kathuria | L-2021-A-98-M | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor | Generation of imidazolinone herbicide resistance trait in wheat by base editing of ALS LOCUS |
9 | Sanjay Kumar | L-2021-A-335-M | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | Mapping the genomic regions for waterlogging tolerance associated traits in maize |
M.Sc. students 2022 | ||||
1 | Arshdeep Kaur | L-2022-A-65-M | Dr. Puja Srivastava, Sr. Wheat Breeder | Enhancing the expression of Yr36 gene against stripe rust of wheat through genome editing |
2 | Harshdeep Kaur | L-2022-A-67-M | Dr. Mehak Gupta, Cytogeneticist | I (L.) using donor specific molecular markers |
3 | Horender Sharma | L-2022-A-68-M | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Identification of QTL regions governing neck blast resistance in rice (Oryza Sativa L.) |
4 | Jassimran Kaur | L-2022-A-70-M | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Forge Breeder | Generation of imidazolinone herbicide resistant mutant for als locus in oats by genome editing |
5 | Lakshdeep Jhans | L-2022-A-71-M | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Characterization of advanced breeding lines for agro- morphological traits and brown plant hopper resistance in rice (oryza sativa L.) and its transfer using marker assisted selection |
6 | Navpreet Kaur | L-2022-A-72-M | Dr. G.S. Mavi, Principal Wheat Breeder | Genetic dissection of drought responsive agronomic traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum) |
7 | Nitin Khosla | L-2022-A-73-M | Dr. Shayla Bindra, Plant Breeder | Inheritance and mapping of resistance to chickpea ascochyta blight in HC5 X IC117744 cross |
8 | Remanpreet Singh | L-2022-A-74-M | Dr. R. S. Gill, Principal Rice Breeder | Incorporation of neck blast resistance and herbicide tolerance into elite basmati genotype ‘Punjab basmati 7’ |
9 | Sarvmittar | L-2022-A-75-M | Dr. Ranjit Kaur, Principal Plant Breeder | Morphological and physio-biochemical characterization of mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) genotypes for heat stress |
10 | Sonam | L-2022-A-76-M | Dr. Chhaya Atri, Sr. Oilseed Breeder | Associating genome structural variations with fertility and seed traits in Brassica allohexaploid radiation panel |
11 | Suraj Kumar | L-2022-A-77-M | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder | Marker assisted transfer of herbicide tolerance (ahas gene) in PR 126 variety of rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
12 | Tanisha Bansal | L-2022-A-78-M | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist (Oilseed) | Development of Diplotaxis erucoides specific markers for alternaria resistance in Brassica juncea (L.) |
13 | Tarun Kapoor | L-2022-A-79-M | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder | Understanding the genetics of high grain protein (GPC) from aegilops kotschyi and its transfer to commercial wheat |
14 | Amanpreet Singh | L-2022-A-272-M | Dr. S.K. Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder | Understanding genotypic response and mechanism of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) |
15 | Anamika Kumari | L-2022-A-273-M | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder | DNA fingerprinting for accurate identification of wheat varieties currently recommended for cultivation in Punjab |
16 | Arshdeep Singh | L-2022-A-274-M | Dr. Indu Rialch, Plant Breeder | Genome wide association mapping for yield and its component traits in Brassica napus L.) |
17 | Harmanjot Kaur | L-2022-A-275-M | Dr. Inderjit Singh Principal, Pulses Breeder | Phenotypic and molecular evaluation of chickpea germplasm collection for salinity and drought tolerance |
18 | Pushpinder Kaur | L-2022-A-276-M | Dr. R.S. Sohu, Principal Forage Breeder | Morpho-biochemical studies to identify dual purpose sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ) inbreds |
19 | Sandeep Singh | L-2022-A-277-M | Dr. Ashutosh Kushwah, Plant Breeder | Elucidating Molecular Responses To Waterlogging Stress In Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Transcriptome Profiling |
20 | Updesh Kaur | L-2022-A-278-M | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Sr.Forage Breeder | Characterization of pearl millet inbred lines for flour rancidity |
M.Sc. students 2023 | ||||
1 | Anchal Dhadwal | L-2023-A-69-M | Dr. Gurjit Kaur Gill, Professor | |
2 | Komal Mahajan | L-2023-A-79-M | Dr. Gulzar Singh (Kapurthala), Principal Sugarcane Breeder | |
3 | Ishika Verma | L-2023-A-76-M | Dr. Vineeta Kaila, Plant Breeder | |
4 | Suman Rani | L-2023-A-86-M | Dr. Paramjit Singh (Bathinda), Principal Cotton Breeder | |
5 | Kiranbir Kaur | L-2023-A-78-M | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder | |
6 | Rohit | L-2023-A-83-M | Dr. Rumesh Ranjan, Plant Breeder | |
7 | Arshdeep Kaur | L-2023-A-71-M | Dr. V.S. Sohu, Principal Wheat Breeder-cum-Head, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics | |
8 | Anurag Kaur | L-2023-A-70-M | Dr. B.S. Gill, Principal Soybean Breeder | |
9 | Liza Goyal | L-2023-A-80-M | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
10 | Gurpartap Singh | L-2023-A-73-M | Dr. Tarvinderpal Singh, Sr. Plant Breeder | |
11 | Rajanroop Singh | L-2023-A-82-M | Dr. Gaurav Khosla, Plant Breeder | |
12 | Sukhmandeep Kaur | L-2023-A-85-M | Dr. Ashok Kumar (Gurdaspur), Plant Breeder | |
13 | Harsharan Kaur | L-2023-A-74-M | Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Barley Breeder | |
14 | Dharamjot Singh | L-2023-A-72-M | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | |
15 | Karanpreet Singh | L-2023-A-77-M | Dr. Navjot Dhillon, Soybean Breeder | |
16 | Iqbal Singh | L-2023-A-75-M | Dr. Vineet Kumar (Bathinda) Plant Breeder | |
17 | Simran Bodal | L-2023-A-84-M | Dr. Harish Kumar (Faridkot), Plant Breeder | |
18 | Neethu Thomas | L-2023-A-81-M | Dr. Usha Nara, Plant Breeder |
Ph.D. Students 2019
Sr. No. | Name of student | Admission No | Major Advisor | Thesis title |
1 | Arun Thakur | L-2019-A-47-D | Dr. S.K. Dhillon, Professor | Fine mapping and pyramiding of yellow mosaic disease resistance in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) |
2 | Gazal Saini | L-2019-A-49-D | Dr. Simarjit Kaur, Plant Breeder | Molecular mapping and validation of stripe rust resistant gene(s) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) |
3 | Gurpreet Singh | L-2019-A-50-D | Dr. Gulzar Singh, Principal Sugarcane Breeder, RRS, Kapurthala | Morpho-physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of sugarcane clones for cold tolerance under subtropical conditions |
4 | Lakshay Goyal | L-2019-A-53-D | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Development of haploid inducer stock using DNA free crispr/cas9 based editing of OsMATL + OsDMP genes in rice |
5 | Ramanjot Kaur | L-2019-A-54-D | Dr. Pankaj Rathore, Principal Cotton Breeder, RRS, Faridkot | Molecular mapping of cotton leaf curl disease resistance in upland cotton |
6 | Shivani Yadav | L-2019-A-56-D | Dr.Navjot Sidhu, Plant Breeder | Molecular mapping and transfer of QTLs for higher grain number per panicle in basmati rice |
Ph.D. Students 2020
Sr. No. | Name of student | Admission No | Major Advisor | Thesis title |
1 | Revanayya Mallayya Gothe | L-2021-A-47-D | Dr. Inderjit Singh, Principal Pulse Breeder | Identification of candidate genes governing pod borer resistance in wild relatives of chickpea |
2 | Arshvir Kaur Boparai | L-2021-A-48-D | Dr.V.S. Sohu, Principal Wheat Breeder | Combining resistant starch and chapatti quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A molecular genetics approach |
3 | Bikkasani Mythri | L-2021-A-49-D | Dr. Tosh Garg, Plant Breeder | Genome wide association and genomic prediction for silage component traits in tropical maize (Zea mays L.) |
4 | Chayanika Lakhar | L-2021-A-50-D | Dr. Ranjit Kaur, Principal Plant Breeder | Characterization and molecular mapping of yellow mosaic virus resistance gene(s) in mungbean (Vigna radiat (L.) Wilczek) and urdbean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) |
5 | Om Prakash Raigar | L-2021-A-51-D | Dr. Rupinder Kaur, Principal Rice Breeder | Harnessing the allelic variations for improving nutrient deficiency tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) under direct seeded cultivation conditions |
6 | Daya Nand | L-2021-A-52-D | Dr. Ruchika Bhardwaj, Millet Breeder | Genome-wide association studies for important seed enzymes, fat content and flour rancidity related parameters in pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.BR.] |
7 | Shah Mohammad Usman | L-2021-A-54-D | Dr. Johar Singh, Principal Wheat Breeder | Study of the alpha amylase gene function using RNAi technology in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
8 | Praveen Kumar A | L-2021-A-55-D | Dr. Inderpreet Dhaliwal, Plant Breeder | Development of nutritionally enhanced wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) germplasm |
9 | Meghna Mandal | L-2021-A-56-D | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Genome editing of DST and DEPI gene to enhance grain yield and abiotic stress tolerance in basmati rice |
10 | Vivek Kumar | L-2021-A-57-D | Dr. Chhaya Atri, Oilseed Breeder | Genetic analysis of shade tolerance responses in a Brassica juncea (L.) czern diversity set |
Ph.D. Students 2022
Sr. No. | Name of student | Admission No | Major Advisor | Thesis title |
1 | Rutuparna Pati | L-2022-A-33-D | Dr.S.K. Sandhu, Principal Maize Breeder | Deciphering Water Deficit Stress Tolerance Mechanism In Maize (Zea mays L.) Through Morpho-Biochemical and Dynamic Transcriptomic Studies |
2 | Shivani Upadhyay | L-2022-A-34-D | Dr. Achla, Principal Wheat Breeder | Stacking genes of economic importance for yield sustainability in high yielding wheat variety PBW826 |
3 | Saatu Madhu | L-2022-A-35-D | Dr. Dharminder Bhatia, Quantitative Geneticist | Molecular mapping of foot rot resistance in rice and its accelerated transfer in Basmati rice |
4 | Kawadiwale Ankita Kedarnath | L-2022-A-36-D | Dr. Rahul Kapoor, Sr. Forage Breeder | Accelerated breeding through chromosome elimination based doubled haploid production in Oats (Avena sativa L.) |
5 | Dilbagh | L-2022-A-37-D | Dr. Johar Singh, Principal Wheat Breeder | Gene expression analysis of selected copies of Alpha amylase in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
6 | Pardeep Beniwal | L-2022-A-38-D | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Principal Scientist | Functional Annotation of Diplotaxis erucoides genome and transfer of alternarai blight resistance into Brassica napus |
7 | Gagandeep Kaur | L-2022-A-39-D | Dr. Gangandeep Singh, Maize Breeder | Genetic analysis and elucidating heterotic patterns for high planting density from diverse set of maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred lines |
8 | Sunidhi Saroch | L-2022-A-40-D | Dr. Dharminder Pathak, Principal Cotton Breeder | Genomics Assisted Mapping of Leafhopper Tolerance in Asiatic Cotton (G. arboreum L.) |
9 | Simranjeet Kaur | L-2022-A-41-D | Dr. Renu Khanna, Plant Breeder | Functional validation for grain number and grain weight coupled with marker-assisted stacking of genes for biotic stress tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) |
10 | Ritesh Kaushal | L-2022-A-42-D | Dr. Devinder Pal Singh, Sr. Forage Breeder | Accelerated Development of Low Phytate Fodder Maize Hybrids through MAS |