ਪੰਜਾਬ ਐਗਰੀਕਲਚਰਲ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ


ਪੰਜਾਬ ਐਗਰੀਕਲਚਰਲ ਯੂਨੀਵਰਸਿਟੀ ਲੁਧਿਆਣਾ


62nd Year of Education & Service

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Faculty

Name :

Dr Kanwaljit Kaur

Designation :


Office Phone :

0161-2401960 Ext-329

Mobile :


Email (Office) :


Research Areas :


Researcher ID's :


College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Home

The Department originally named as 'Home science Education and Extension' was established as a separate department with the introduction of Master's Programme in 1970. Prior to its independent existence the courses in Home Science Extension Education were taught for four years i.e. 1966 to 1970 to B.Sc. Home Science students under the umbrella of College Academic programme. The turning point occurred in 1970 when the status of the department got elevated by starting M.Sc. programme. The Ph.D programme was initiated in 1986 after appropriate upgradation of infrastructure and Human Resource. So far 165 M.Sc. and 22 Ph.D students have obtained degrees in the discipline. The course curriculum has undergone several changes as per national, societal and educational needs. Academic programme of B.Sc. includes Student Ready Programme during the last two semesters of the degree programme. Practical trainings are provided in well equipped laboratories & field situations. Course manuals have been prepared by faculty as a supplementary tool to effective teaching. Infrastructure and other facilities are available for improving communication and instructional delivery messages to both formal and non-formal stream of learners. Efforts are continuously being made to strengthen research facilities and improving teaching through financial assistance under funded research projects. The faculty has advanced academically by attaining higher education and training in India and abroad. A number of instructional resources i.e. printed, electronic and multimedia have been tested to improve instructional delivery for effective communication. Development programmes are evaluated regularly through student research and reports submitted. Emphasis is being laid on social behavior change communication using both interpersonal channels and ICT.

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College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Head of Department

Name : Dr. Kiranjot Sidhu

Address : Extension Education & Communication Management

Office : 0161-2401960 Ext-329, 0161-2410467, Ext-322

Phone : 9814098405

E-Mail : hodhsee@pau.edu

Brief Introduction

Dr Kiranjot Sidhu joined as Assistant Professor at KVK, Ludhiana in 1990 before being selected as Senior Scientist under AICRP in Home Science in the Dept of Extension Education. She served as Head of the department from 2016-2020 with additional charge till Feb 2021 before joining as Associate Director, Skill Development, PAU, Ludhiana till June 16, 2021. She joined her present assignment as HoD from June 17, 2021. She organized the first Farm Women Fair by any KVK in Punjab and first Food and Craft Mela at PAU Campus. She has more than fifty research papers , ten technical bulletins, manuals, book chapters and large number of extension publications, TV and radio talks to her credit. Dr. Sidhu completed more than 15 projects under AICRP as Principal Investigator and generated data base with policy based implication in the field of women in agriculture and empowerment of women through self-help groups. She had been actively involved in creating awareness regarding plantation and use of medicinal plants for health and facilitating marketing linkages for women involved in income generating activities along with developing media packages for dissemination of practices/technologies. During the year 2013, she was awarded Chaudhary Devi Lal, All India Coordinated Research Project Award, in recognition for outstanding performance of the cooperating centers of AICRP in Home Science. Her idea and its presentation in form of theme area ‘Innovation Market Place’ at first Global conference on Women in Agriculture, March 2012, ICAR, New Delhi was appreciated by the President of India and Agriculture Minister, Government of India. She has been actively involved in teaching Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses in Extension Education and and guided MSc and PhD students.

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Thrust Areas

  • Gender equity and empowerment
  • Monitoring and evaluation and impact analysis
  • Diffusion and adoption of Home stead technology
  • Information and communication technology
  • Organization and human resource development

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Faculty


S.No Name & Designation E-Mail/Telephone
1. Dr Kanwaljit Kaur
2. Dr Kiranjot Sidhu
Professor cum Head
3. Dr Mandeep Sharma
Assistant Professor
4. Dr Manjot Kaur
5. Dr Preeti Sharma
Assistant Professor
6. Dr Ritu Mittal Gupta
7. Dr Sukhdeep Kaur
Asstt. Prof.

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Faculty Distinctions

Year Name of Teacher Name of Award/ Distinction
1991 Dr. (Mrs.) S. Roy National Extension Fellow Award
1998 Dr. (Mrs.) S. Roy Ken Singh Memorial Award for Research in Extension Education
1998 Dr. ( Mrs.) Varinder Randhawa Young scientist award
1998 Mrs. Tejinder Kaur Best poster Paper award
2001 Dr. (Mrs.) S. Roy International science award by Human ecology alumni society, Columbus.
2003 Dr. S. Roy
Dr. Kiranjot Sidhu
Choudhary Devi Lal Outstanding All IndiaCoordinated Research Project Award , 2003 As a team member in recognition of outstanding performance of the cooperating centers of AICRP on Home Science in terms of linkages, research output, impact and sense of partnership. Best AICRP award to all national centres having AICRP in Home Science
2005 Dr. (Mrs.) S. Roy Recognition award by ISEE
2010 Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur Fellow Award, Hind-Agri Horticultural Society
2011 Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur Best Oral Presentation Award in the International Conference on Empowering Women through Higher Education, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar on Oct. 20-21, 2011.
2012 Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur Second Prize in Poster Presentation in the National seminar on Women and Rural Development: Critical Issues held at PAU, Ludhiana on May 2 - 3, 2012.
2012 Dr. Preeti Sharma Best Poster presentation for paper entitled “Impact assessment on quality of life of rural women entrepreneur trained at KVK Roopnagar” by Preeti Sharma, Aparna and Sat Pal Saini at National Seminar on Scenario of women in agriculture and future projections at COHSc, CCSHAU, Hisar on February, 16-17, 2012 adjudged First in the theme Capacity building and entrepreneurship.
2013 Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur Second Best Oral Presentation Award in the International Conference on Impact of Technological Tools on Food Security under Global Warming Scenario held at Shobhit University, Modipurum, Meerut from May 11-12, 2013.
2017 Dr. Kiranjot Sidhu Selected to attend workshop on e-Business Modeling for Women Entrepreneurs, organized by Asian Productivity Organization (Tokyo, Japan) held at Taipei, Taiwan from June 19-23, 2017.
2020 Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta and Dr. Preeti Sharma Best poster presentation award during National Incubators Colloquium held at ABIC, CCSHAU, Hisar from January 15-16, 2020
2021 Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta Academic Excellence Award for the year 2021 at INSc: Institute of Scholars, Registered under MSME, Government of India.
2023 Dr Mandeep Sharma Best KVK Scientist Award by Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Important achievements

Significant Achievemnts of Deapartment

  • The department has made significant contributions in diffusing home stead technologies in the villagers of Punjab through its Transfer of Technology (TOT) Programme started in the year 1976.
  • Developed and tested instructional media/deliverables such as printed modules, popular articles, demonstration kits, booklets, folders, flash card sets, CDRs, manuals etc. on different Home Science topics under different projects and studies for knowledge and skill empowerment of extension functionaries, beneficiaries and formal sets of learners.
  • Instructional media packages were also developed & tested on Maternal Health and Nutrition and Child’s health and Nutrition (both in Punjabi and English) for training of trainers/extension functionaries.An instructional package of 17 hypermedia and print based modules along with criterion reference mastery test have been developed and validated for individualized and on-line training of trainers.
  • Department faculty has completed several state and national level projects specifically was the part of ICAR, NATP, NAIP, DST.
  • Department faculty was also involved with international project.Department organizes 'orientation course' for newly recruited faculty of the university every year since 2013.
  • Department has organized one 'orientation course' for non teaching staff of the university in the year 2014.
  • Department has collaborated with NCW, New Delhi, MANAGE, Hyderabad and College of Dairy Science and Technolgy, GADVASU, Ludhiana for conducting various capacity buliding programmes for rural women and extension functionaries.

Student achievements (since 2012)

  • Dr. Manjot Kaur student of department (Major Advisor- Dr. Kanwaljit Kaur) received 'Best PhD thesis award 2018' by Dr. Ram Avtar Shiksha Samiti.
  • Five students of the department were awarded UGC-JRF for PhD research
  • Four students of the department were awarded ICAR-SRF for PhD research
  • One student was awarded ICSSR felowship for PhD research.
  • Three studentds received DST-INSPIRE fellowship for PhD research.
  • Ten students of the department were awarded ICAR-JRF and four ICAR-NTS for MSc research
  • Dr Anjana, PhD student of Department received Best thesis and oral paper presentation award at conference held at CSA University, Kanpur, 2022
  • Dr Akansha Kharkwal, PhD student of department received Teaching and Research Assistantship for pursuing PhD at Florida State University in the School of Communication in the year 2022.
  • Ms Priyanka Ginwal, MSc student of department received Teaching and Research Assistantship for pursuing PhD at University of Alabama Graduate School, College of Communication & Information Sciences in the year 2023.
  • Dr. Loveleen Kaur, PhD student of Department received Best thesis and oral paper presentation award by Indian Society of Agriculture and Horticulture Research Development, Chandigarh in June, 2023.

Elevation of faculty

  • Dr. P L Srivastava served as Dean, College of Home Science, Ludhiana and Dean College of Home Science, RAU, Bihar.
  • Dr. Ajit Randhawa served as Dean, College of Home Science, Khoni, Mukstar
  • Dr. Kiranjot Sidhu served as Associate Director, Skill Development Center, PAU in the year 2021 and also presently is acting Dean College of Community Science from February, 2023
  • Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta serving as Unit Coordinator, AICRP-Women in Agriculture

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Current Projects

Name of the project Teachers Associated
AICRP- 'All India Coordinated Research Project-Women in Agriculture Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta, Scientist
Development of Repository of database to Analyze the Dynamics and Role of Women in Agriculture and Allied sectors in selected Agro- Ecological Regions Under AICRP- 'All India Coordinated Research Project-WIA)
Shree Anna Gram (Millets) Programme
Nutri Smart Village Programme
Sensitizing farming families for sustainable water use behaviour under CSR project

Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta, Scientist

Dr. Preeti Sharma, Assistant Professor

Dr. Sukhdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor

Women in Dairy Farming Sector on Value Addition of Milk & Milk Products sponsored by NCW, New Delhi

Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta, Scientist

Dr. Preeti Sharma

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Important Publications


  • Kharkwal A, Sharma P and Pandey A (2023) Designing and Development of Decision Support System for the Management of Lifestyle Diseases. J Community Mobil & Sust Dev. 18 (1): 205-212 (NAAS rating- 5.67)
  • Pratiksha and Sharma P (2023). Construction of knowledge test to measure the knowledge level of farming families regarding environmental pollution in Punjab, India. Asian J Agri Ext, Eco & Soc 41 (7): 165-171 (NAAS rating- 4.78)
  • Sharma M., Bhatia M. and Singh P. (2023) Farmer’s perspective on relevance and importance of kisan melas. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.18 (1):277-82 (NAAS rating 5.67)
  • Vaishali and Gupta R M (2023) Information Utilization Pattern Among Male and Female Dairy Farmers of Punjab. Ind J Dairy Sci. (accepted) (NAAS rating – 5.95)
  • Vaishali and Gupta R M (2023) Socio-economic Status and Information Dissemination Behaviour of Dairy Farmers of Rural Punjab. J Comm Mob Sustain Develop 18(2): 609-614. (NAAS rating: 5.30)
  • Bhandal S ,Mann SK, Sidhu K and Kaur K (2023) Information Processing Behaviour of Farm Women. J Comm Mob and Sustainable Dev. 67: 70 (NAAS Rating : 5.67).
  • Mann S, Gupta R M and Sharma M (2022). COVID-19 Lockdown Impact on Harvesting and Marketing of Rabi Crops in Punjab. J Agrl Dev and Policy, 32(2): 210-213. (NAAS rating – 3.61)
  • Sharma M. and Singh A. (2022) Inclusion of women in Dairy enterprise. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 57 (3): 192-95. (NAAS rating 5.95)
  • Kaur J., Kaur K. and Sharma M. (2022) Knowledge level of rural women regarding safe and judicious use of chemicals at household level. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.18 (1): 328-30 (NAAS rating 5.67)
  • Monika, Sidhu K and Mann SK (2022) Analysis of Income Generation Activities Undertaken by Rural Women in Punjab. J Comm Mob and Sustainable Dev. (NAAS Rating: 5.67). (Accepted)
  • Ikjot, Sidhu K and Mann SK (2022) “An Analysis of Enterprises Set Up by Trained Entrepreneurs” J Comm Mob and Sustainable Dev. (NAAS Rating : 5.67). (Accepted)
  • Singh D , Kaur K and Mann SK (2022)Awareness of Women Regarding Benefits of Natural Sweeteners in Punjab. J Comm Mob and Sustainable Dev. (NAAS Rating : 5.67).(Accepted)
  • Goswami M , Kaur K and Mann SK (2022) Leadership Competencies of faculty in State Agricultural Universities of India. Indian J of Ext. Edu. 57:143-146 (NAAS Rating : 5.95). (Accepted)
  • Joshi N, Sharma S and Sharma P (2022) Enrichment programme efficacy on core life skills: A quasi experimental study among university students. Ind. J Ext Edu, 58 (4), 134–38. (NAAS Rating 5.95)
  • Pratiksha and Sharma P (2022). Knowledge about causes, effects and mitigation of soil pollution among farming families of Punjab. J Community Mobil & Sust Dev. 17 (1): 321-328 (NAAS rating- 5.67)
  • Rai A, Sidhu K and Sharma P (2022) Factors Affecting Perception of Farm Families Towards Farming as an Occupation. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. 37(4): 350-356. DOI: 10.18805/BKAP583. (NAAS rating- 3.07)
  • Vij A and Mann SK (2022) Food consumption pattern of Farming families in Punjab. Indian J of Ext Edu,58 (2):21-25. (NAAS Rating :5.95)
  • Kaur, M., Sandhu, P. S. and Singh, M. (2021). Economic Contribution of Home Makers in the Family Income through their Unpaid Household Work. Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, 16: 913-917. (NAAS score: 5.30)
  • Kaur, S., Mann, S. K., Kaur, M. (2021). Factors Affecting Adoption of Home Science Practices Disseminated Through Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE). Indian J of Ext Edu, 57: 143-146. (NAAS score: 5.22)
  • Pratiksha and Sharma P (2021) Knowledge of Farming Families Regarding Air Pollution and its Mitigation. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 16 (1): 177-184 (NAAS rating- 5.30)
  • Sharma P and Aparna (2021) Preferences and Perceived Effectiveness of Information Sources for Livestock Production. Indian J of Ext Edu 57 (3):81-85 (NAAS rating- 5.95)
  • Kaur M, Sharma P and Sidhu K (2021) Gender Disparity in Awareness and Perception towards Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19). Indian J of Ext Edu 57 (3):86-89 (NAAS rating- 5.95)
  • Pratiksha and Sharma P (2021) Zone wise knowledge disparities about water pollution and its mitigation strategies among farming families of Punjab, India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 16 (3): 792-798 (NAAS rating- 5.30)
  • Ginwal P and Sharma P (2021) Effectiveness of Personal versus Online Extension Methods in Disseminating Knowledge on Household Waste Management. Indian J of Ext Edu, 58(2), 120–23 (NAAS rating- 5.95)
  • Ginwal P and Sharma P (2021) Survival under heaps of trash- A scheme of household waste management. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 17 (1): 1-6 (NAAS rating- 5.30)
  • Kaur G and Mittal R (2021).Gender Mapping in Vegetable Cultivation in Sangrur and Patiala districts of Punjab . Indian J of Ext Edu,57 (4):1-6. (NAAS rating- 5.32)
  • Kaur, M., Sharma, P. and Sidhu, K. (2021). Gender Disparity in Awareness and Perception towards Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19). Ind J of Ext Edu. 57(3): 86-89. (NAAS score:5.95)Saikia R A and Mittal R (2022). Lifestyle of Farming Community in Punjab: A Major Health Determinant. Indian J of Ext Edu,58 (2):77-80. (NAAS rating- 5.32)
  • Kaur S, Mann SK and Kaur M (2021) Factors Affecting Adoption of Home Science Practices Disseminated Through Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE).Indian J of Ext Edu 57(4):143-146 (NAAS Rating : 5.95).
  • Rai A and Sidhu K (2021) Perception of farm families towards farming as an occupation. Indian J of Ext Edu,57(3) (NAAS rating- 5.95)
  • Gupta R. M. and Sharma P. (2020) SWOT Analysis of Online Teaching During Lock Down:Blended Teaching the Way Forward. Indian Journal of Extension Education.56(4):19-25. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Kaur G., Mittal R and Saikia A. (2020) Gender desegregated participation in vegetable cultivation in Punjab. Plant Achieves/AIAAS-2020:25-28. (NAAS Rating 4.41)
  • Kaur L. and Mittal R. (2020) Forest Conservation for Livelihood Security. International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology. 11(4):61-67. (NAAS Rating 4.45)
  • Kaur L. and Mittal R. (2020) Variables in Social Science Research. Indian Research Journal of Extension Education.21: 64-69. (NAAS Rating 4.81)
  • Kaur M. Kaur S. and Kaur K. (2020) Evaluation and impact assessment of training programmes. Agriculture Update. 15(3): 258-264. DOI:10.15740/HAS/AU/15.3/258-264. (NAAS Rating 4.39)
  • Kaur M. and Mittal R. (2020) Skill gap analysis of rural women for capacity building. International Journal of Education and Management Studies. 10(3):265-269. (NAAS Rating 4.79)
  • Kaur M., Kaur K and Kaur S. (2020) Adoption Status of Practices Imparted Under vocational Training Courses Conducted by KVK. SBS Nagar, Nawanshahr, Punjab. Multilogic in Science.10 (34): 1077-1080. (NAAS Rating 5.20)
  • Mittal R., Sidhu K. and KaurJ. (2020) Enrollment, retention and progression of Home Science post graduates in Northern India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.15 (1): 32-38. (NAAS Rating 5.3)
  • Mittal R. and Anusha (2020) Determinants of Successful Integration of E-learning into Higher Education. Indian Journal of Extension Education.56 (4): 37-42. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Mittal R., Mann S. K. and Sidhu K. (2020) Educational progression and employment status ofagriculture graduates of northern SAUs. International Journal of Home Science.6(3): 13-17. (NAAS Rating 3.32)
  • Mittal R. and Sharma P. (2020) SWOT Analysis of Online Teaching During Lock Down:Blended Teaching the Way Forward. Indian Journal of Extension Education.56 (4): 19-25. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Sidhu R., SidhuS.and Sharma M. (2020) Critical analysis of vegetables consumption pattern in rural and urban community of Punjab.Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.15 (2): 387-90. (NAAS Rating 5.30)
  • Sidhu R. K. and Sharma M. (2020) Preferences of pregnant ladies for maternity clothes in rural areas of Punjab. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 55(4): 232-34. (NAAS rating 5.32)
  • Sidhu R. S. Sidhu and Sharma M. (2020) Critical analysis of vegetables consumption pattern in rural and urban community of Punjab” Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.15 (2): 387-90. (NAAS rating 5.30)
  • Anusha and Mittal R. (2020) Gender differences among University students in access andperception towards e-learning. International Journal of Education and Management Studies. 10 (3): 259-264. (NAAS Rating 4.8)
  • Anusha, and Mittal R. (2020) Perception of University students towards e learning in Punjab. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.14(3): 602-608. (NAAS Rating 5.3)
  • Bhalla S. and Sharma P. (2020) Effectiveness of Social Advertisements in Promoting Adoption of Selected Health and Hygiene Practices. Asian Journal of Home Science.15(1):97-103. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Kaur S. and Kaur S. M. (2020) Factors Affecting Adoption and Non Adoption of Home Science Practices Disseminated During Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE). Asian Journal of Home Science. 15(1):21-26. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Nayal A. and Sharma P. (2020) An Analysis of Extent of Use of Online Utility Services in Punjab, India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. (109-117). DOI: 10.9734/cjast/2020/ v39i1130654. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Pratiksha and Sharma P. (2020) Status of Environmental Pollution in Rural Punjab and its Management. International Archive of Applied Science and Technology.11 (4): 65-71. DOI:10.15515/iaast.0976- 4828.11.4.6571. (NAAS Rating 4.45)
  • Sharma P. and Nayal A. (2020)An empirical study on intention to use online utility services. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.15: 169-174. (NAAS Rating 5.30)
  • Kaur A and Mann SK (2020) Impact of RSETI EDPs on Income and Employment Generation.J of Comm.Mob and Sustainable Dev.15:95-98. (NAAS Rating 5.30)
  • Kaur S and Mann SK (2020) Extent of Adoption of Home Science Practices Disseminated under Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE).Asian J of H.Sc.15: 16-21. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Kaur S and Mann SK (2020) Assessing trainee’s profile for better adoption of home science practices. Asian J of H.Sc.15: 138-42. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Sharma M. and Bhatia M. (2019) Gender disparities in dairy farming enterprise. Indian Journal of Extension Education.55 (2): 144-47. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Kaur M., Kaur R. and Singh S. (2019) Depression and Suicidal Ideation among distressed farmers of Punjab. International Journal of Education and Management Studies. 9: 29-32. (NAAS Rating 4.79)
  • Sidhu K. and Sharma S. (2019) Dynamics of women Self Help Groups in Punjab. Asian Journal of Agriculture Extension, Economics and Sociology.29: 1-7(NAAS Rating 4.35).
  • Kaur M, Kaur R and Singh S (2019) Depression and suicide ideation among farmers of Punjab. Intl. J Edu & Mgt. Studies. 9 (1): 29-32. (NAAS Rating 4.79)
  • Kaur M and Kaur K (2019). Study on the Adoption Status of Vocational Training Course on Garment Construction and Enrichment among Rural Women. Journal of Krishi Vigyan.7 (2): 239-242. (NAAS Rating 4.41)
  • Sharma M. and Bhatia M. (2019) Gender disparities in dairy farming enterprise. Indian Journal of Extension Education.55 (2): 144-147. (NAAS rating 5.32)
  • Mittal R and Kaur J (2019) Gender sensitization for women empowerment: A review. Ind J Eco & Dev. 15 (1): 123-132. (NAAS rating : 4.82)
  • Mittal R and Randhawa V (2019) Assessing perceived prevalence of deception in Organizational Communication. Current J Applied Sci& Tech 36(1): 1-11. (NAAS rating- 5.32)
  • Batra A., Sidhu K. and Sharma S. (2019) Characteristics of women whatsapp users and use pattern. Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science. 28: 1-7. (NAAS Rating 4.24)
  • Kaur M., Kaur K. and Sidhu K. (2019) Impact of Vocational Training Courses Conducted by KrishiVigyanKendras of Punjab on Establishing an Enterprise.Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 32:1-8. (NAAS Rating 5.32)
  • Kaur M. and Kaur K. (2019) Study on the Adoption Status of Vocational Training Course on Garment Construction and Enrichment among Rural Women. Journal of KrishiVigyan. 7: 239-242. (NAAS Rating 4.41)
  • Rai A and Mann SK (2019) Engaging youth in Agriculture. Asian J of Home Sc.14:215-225. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Kaur L and Mann SK (2019) Participatory monitoring and evaluation in extension programmes. Asian J of Home Sc.14.2:458-462. (NAAS Rating 4.44)
  • Kaur M., Mann S. K. and Kaur K. (2018) Obstacles and ways to facilitate skill development among rural women. Asian Journal Home Science. 13:441-46. (NAAS rating 4.44)
  • Mann S. K., Mittal R. and Sachan D. (2018) Promoting professionalism and self employment in Home Science. Asian Journal Home Science. 13(1): 375-381. (NAAS rating 4.44)
  • Mann S. K., Sachan D., and Kaur K. (2018) Occupational status of Home Science Graduates and Post graduates of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.13(1): 317. (NAAS rating 5.30)
  • Sharma M. (2018) Entrepreneurship development in women through EDPs trainings. Contemporary Research in India. 8 (4):111-15. (NAAS rating 3.23)
  • Sharma M. and Rampal V. K. (2018) Constraints faced by women entrepreneurs of Punjab. Indian Journal of economics and development.14 (1): 559-63. (NAAS rating 4.82)
  • Sharma P., Kaur L., Mittal R. and Kaur S. (2018) Perceived cause and effect of climate change onAgriculture. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.13(2): 137-141. (NAAS rating 5.32)
  • Sidhu K., Kaur M., and Sharma S. (2018) Income Generation by Women Self Help Groups. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.13(1):113-117. (NAAS rating 5.30)
  • Mann S K,Sachan D and Mittal R(2018) Applicability of Home Science Education as Perceived by the Students. Int J Edu&Mgt8.309-11. (NAAS rating 4.79)
  • Sharma M. and Rampal V. K. (April, 2018) “Constraints faced by women entrepreneurs of Punjab” Indian Journal of economics and development.14 (1).Pp 559-63 (NAAS Rating 4.82).
  • Sharma P, Kaur L, Mittal R, Kaur S and Kaur S (2018) Gender-Based Knowledge Disparities about Micro Scale Water Conservation and Mitigation Strategies of Farming Community in Punjab, India. Advan in res 16 (5): 1-11. (NAAS rating -4.8)
  • Sharma P, Kaur L, Mittal R, Kaur S and Kaur S (2018) Relationship of socio-economic characteristics with level of farmers' awareness about climate change effect on water resources. Ind J Ext Edu 54 (2): 26-31. (NAAS rating- 5.32).
  • Sharma M. (2018) Entrepreneurship development in women through EDPs trainings. Contemporary Research in India. 8 (4). Pp 111-15. (NAAS Rating 3.23).
  • Kaur J., Randhawa V. and Mittal R. (2018) Perception of rural women about degradation of renewable natural resources in Kandi area of Punjab Indian Journal of Economic Development. 14(1a):535-39. (NAAS rating 4.82)
  • Kaur J., Randhawa V. and Mittal R. (2018) Perception, utilization and Management of renewablenatural resources by rural women: A brief Review. Indian Journal of Economic Development.14(2):390-96. (NAAS rating 4.82)
  • Kumari S. and Mittal R. (2018) WhatsApp: A worth Medium of Communication for Transfer of Technology to the Masses. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology.23(2):1-9. (NAAS rating 5.32)
  • Negi A. and Kaur K. (2018) Socio personal and academic factors affecting the extent of perceived stress among undergraduate students of Northern State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) of India. Asian Journal of Home Science.13 (1): 18-27. (NAAS rating 4.44)
  • Negi A., Kaur K., and Sidhu K. (2018) Socio-personal and academic factors affecting the extent of perceived stress among postgraduate students of Northern State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) of India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development.13(2): 374-383. (NAAS rating 5.30)
  • Rai A. and Kaur K. (2018) Library visits and use of internet among undergraduate students of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. International Journal of Education, Science and Research.8 (3): 27-30. (NAAS rating 4.16)
  • Sukhla N. and Sidhu K. (2018) Knowledge of Panchyati Raj Institution members regarding NRLM Scheme. Agricultural Update. 13(2):183-187. (NAAS rating 4.39)
  • Kaur M, Kaur K and Mann SK (2018) Constraints faced by women Trainees of KrishiVigyanKendras of Punjab.Int J Pure & App Biosc.6 .472-79. (NAAS rating 4.74)
  • Kaur M, Mann SK, and Kaur K (2018) Agripreneurship - A Tool To Empower Rural Women.Asian J AgriExt.,Eco& Soc.27.1-8. (NAAS rating 4.35)
  • Makkar A and Mann SK (2018) Beneficiaries feedback on RSETI EDPs Agriculture Update 13.259-62. (NAAS rating 4.39)



  • Gupta R M, Sidhu K, Sharma P, Ranjan A and Kaur M.(2023) Improve lifestyle to stay healthy. AICRP,CIWA: 1-16
  • Gupta R M, Sidhu K, Sharma P, Ranjan A and Kaur M.(2023) ChangiJeevan Shelly: ChangiSehat da Raaz. AICRP,CIWA: 1-16

Extension/Popular Articles

  • Sharma M. and Kaur S. K. (2022) Darir erade ate mehnat di missal: Sunita Kumari. Kheti Sandesh. Ank 271, November 9, 2022.pp 7.
  • Sharma M. and Kaur S. K. (2023) Solar Cooker suhaniya laye lahevandh. Ank 294, April 19, 2023. Pp2
  • Aggarwal R and Gupta R M (2023) Kadanan: Fasal vividhita aur sehat ka khazana. Sashakti Mahila Krishak Digdarshika, Hindi patrika, CIWA. Bhubaneswar, (In Press)
  • Makkar A, Mann SK and Singh R (2023) au`dmAqyihMmqdIsmr`Qimswl: s. kOSLisMG[KyqIsMdyS- AMk 282, jnvrI 25, 2023

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Academic Programs

Department offers UG and PG (MSc & PhD) courses

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours Semester
EECM 101 Extension Education and Rural Development 3(3+0) I
EECM 102 Diffusion and Adoption of Homestead Technologies 3 (2+1) II
EECM 201 Women in Agriculture 2(2+0) I
EECM 202 Instructional Technology 3(1+2) II
EECM 301 Extension Training Management 3(1+2) I
EECM 302 Programme Development for Rural Families 3(1+2) II
EECM 401 Seminar Sem. I 1(1+0) I
EECM 402 Instructional Video Production 9(0+9) I
EECM 403 Public Relation and Social Marketing 2(0+2) I
EECM 404 Web Designing and Multimedia Production 9(0+9) I
EECM 411 Rural Awareness Work Experience in Home Science (RAWE) 10 (0+10) II
EECM 412 Internship I -Entrepreneurial Placement/In Plant Training 8 (0+8) II
EECM 413 Internship II Project Report and Presentation 2(0+2) II

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / Facilities & Services

Instructional Media Lab

Instructional Training Lab

Seminar Room

Video Production Lab

College of Community Science / Extension Education and Communication Management / PG Students

MSc. Students (Total no. of seats 7+2)

Sr. No. Name of the student Title of theses/dissertation Name of Advisor and Designation
1. Sree Tejaswini Acceptance of online education by faculty and students of SAUs Dr. Sukhdeep Kaur Asstt. Professor
2. Mahi Singh Awareness and usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools among school teachers of Punjab Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Asstt. Professor
3. Nikita Danu Communication apprehension among Post Graduate students of Punjab Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta, Scientist
4. Chakshita Awareness and consumption pattern of millets in rural households of Punjab. Dr. Manjot Kaur, Scientist
5. Ketan Awareness and consumption pattern of millets in urban households of Punjab. Dr. Preeti Sharma, Asstt. Professor
6. Chetnansh Sharma Dr Mandeep Sharma, Asstt. Professor
7. Sharon Kon Dr Sukhdeep Kaur, Asstt. Profesoor

MSc. Students (Total no. of seats 7+2)

Sr. No. Name of the student Title of theses/dissertation Name of Advisor and Designation
1. Sree Tejaswini Acceptance of online education by faculty and students of SAUs Dr. Sukhdeep Kaur Asstt. Professor
2. Mahi Singh Awareness and usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools among school teachers of Punjab Dr. Mandeep Sharma, Asstt. Professor
3. Nikita Danu Communication apprehension among Post Graduate students of Punjab Dr. Ritu Mittal Gupta, Scientist
4. Chakshita Awareness and consumption pattern of millets in rural households of Punjab. Dr. Manjot Kaur, Scientist
5. Ketan Awareness and consumption pattern of millets in urban households of Punjab. Dr. Preeti Sharma, Asstt. Professor
6. Chetnansh Sharma Dr Mandeep Sharma, Asstt. Professor
7. Sharon Kon Dr Sukhdeep Kaur, Asstt. Profesoor